Greetings from the
Let Relationships Bring Out the Humor
You may have noticed one of my writers does
a great job writing humorous articles and with a punch too.
Rob Cross openly shares simple, yet profound truths about
relationships, many times using himself as an example. In
"Miracles," his article in this issue, he reminds us
of one important fact about having a great relationship. Read
other relationship articles by Rob Cross in the achieves of
The InnerWords Messanger and look for more of his articles in
future issues.
Fortunate Blessings,
By Suzanne E.
The group you work with has a level of
self-esteem based on the composite self-esteem levels of the
individuals in the group. We each take to the workplace (works
the same in families) our level of awareness, which includes
such things as our understanding of ourselves and others, our
communication skills, our ability to have realistic
expectations for ourselves and others, our degree of
maintaining a positive attitude, and our ability to stay in
present-time and not let past hurts be projected onto
the article)
By Suzanne E. Harrill
Affirmations to support self-esteem and spiritual growth
now available in monthly installments. This is an updated
edition of the seed thoughts and affirmations in the book,
Affirm Your Self Day by Day. Only available here on line.
the whole story)
Can you help me understand? For some time now I've
noticed that my partner sometimes seems to say contradictory
things to me. Is this 'normal'? For example, on the
one hand he has said something like "I love you
unconditionally and don't want you to ever feel like you have
'to perform' for me."
then recently, when I asked for us to consider doing
something differently that he didn't agree with, he told me
that he felt 'conned' and 'let down.' The message in
his response to me was "If you don't do things the way
you used to then you'd better pack your bags and
go!" I believe that he does love and adore me
but I'm not sure how to respond in a circumstance like
that? Do you have any ideas to help me understand this?
(read the
whole article)