
By Rob Cross                      

MIRACLE. It’s the missing piece in love. If you can stay with me long enough on this, you'll be blessed beyond your comprehension as I share with you the miraculous changes in my life.

You can literally and easily call forth a miracle this very day.

I had always worked hard at love. "Relationships take work" was my belief. I had not a clue that all the work I was doing to make the relationship "work" was the very reason it was falling apart! Specifically, my "controlling" the flow kept the miracles away. The hard work that I was wrapped up in was little more than forcing the darn thing to work!

Here's what I mean. She came to me with an upset. I immediately put on my little upset-solving jumpsuit and did what I do best. What did I do best? WHATEVER IT TOOK! Holy cow let's just do whatever it takes to get us on the other side of this upset! Fix it quick, hide from it fast, patch it good, invalidate or dodge it...whatever it takes! It was my job to protect her from her own emotions "so she wouldn't have to feel upset".

Did you hear what I just said? "So she wouldn't have to feel her own upset". Now I'm sure that you've said that a time or two. Heck it was my M.O. in life!

Here's the astounding discovery I made. My efforts to keep things under control were simultaneously keeping Miracles away!

And that's what we do. We keep upset from taking place. Why? Why do we get all excited when our partner is upset? Why is it hard for most of us to sit still with them in their upset or with ourselves in our own upset, rather than try and fix it or defend against it or to slip away from it?

WE DON'T WANT TO FEEL OUT OF CONTROL. It's scary out there in that land called "NOT-IN-MY-CONTROL". It's called FAITH.

It takes a choice of faith to sit with her in her upset and NOT have to control its outcome. In that tiny moment when I see that my partner's upset, in that tiny moment when I STOP myself from running to her rescue (taking her upset as my own) or running to my rescue (defending against her upset at me)...in that moment when I refuse to REACT to her upset but rather choose to ALLOW her to have it ...GLORIOUS things get set into motion.

Now I must tell you right here that, if you've spent a lifetime rescuing your partner from her/his own upset and then suddenly you stop ...stand back! Sparks will fly. You can't just turn a barge around right away.

When I refuse to react to her upset, when I make the choice to BE WITH HER in her own upset (loving her) while letting her BE upset, she then gets to FACE HER OWN FEARS. That's right...HER fears.

And that's GREAT NEWS! Because it's only in that place where she faces her own issues (they've been following her all her life) can she then heal and move past them. And when she heals and moves past them, guess what won't be back a million more times to rear its ugly head...her ISSUE!

When I grow from healing, that issue no longer "owns me" anymore in relationships and my life circumstances.

My friends, letting miracles work in your relationship is more entertaining than any movie I've ever been to! I have spent most of my adult life keeping my partner stuck (keeping her from her own growth) by jumping in and claiming her upset and squashing it. And gosh, all along her upset was only trying to point the way for her to learn and grow and move forward!

I'm happy to announce that I'm a retired "fixer" and a very excited miracle watcher! It takes guts to let go of having to know the outcome. It takes guts to relinquish control of life that I could never control anyway. Let go! Let God!

Read more on this: http://www.lifeunclogged.com/linkees/miracle1.html





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