Suzanne Says

Questions & Answers

July 2005

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Question: Can you help me understand?  For some time now I've noticed that my partner sometimes seems to say contradictory things to me. Is this 'normal'?  For example, on the one hand he has said something like "I love you unconditionally and don't want you to ever feel like you have 'to perform' for me."

But then recently, when I asked for us to consider doing something differently that he didn't agree with, he told me that he felt 'conned' and 'let down.' The message in his response to me was "If you don't do things the way you used to then you'd better pack your bags and go!"  I believe that he does love and adore me but I'm not sure how to respond in a circumstance like that?  Do you have any ideas to help me understand this?

PS  Just the other day, for the first time, he told me he felt confused because I'd told him 2 opposite things.  I wonder if it's the same 'pattern' (?) happening, but on this occasion from me to him...

Answer: Living in an aware, growing, intimate relationship is tricky sometimes. You have written before and I know you are healing a lot of patterns and making a lot of positive changes within yourself and in your relationship.

It is difficult to live our ideals sometimes. It sounds good to love unconditionally, however living it is a little harder. I believe if we have an intention, such as to accept our partner the way they are, it moves us in that direction. Now when we live day to day, our own stuff gets in the way of accepting them, thus the double messages.

You are experiencing the growing edge where you are living clearer and clearer. Relationships are great for speeding up the process of understanding ourselves and becoming more conscious. Stay on the dance floor and keep dancing!





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