Jacquelyn Small,
Founding Director Of Eupsychia Institute
"The past is but a
prefiguration of the future. No event is irreversible and no
transformation is final.... Time but makes possible the
appearance and existence of things. It has no final influence
upon their existence, since it is itself constantly
regenerated....[therefore] history is "free" and
always "new".... events repeat themselves because
they imitate an archetype - the exemplary event."
- Mircea Eliade, The Myth of
the Eternal Return
We can be grateful for the archetype of
Transformation, the fact of perpetual rebirth that is
prefigured in every human psyche. Once we learn how to work
with its principles and energetic forces, we can settle into
the knowledge that we never have to be stuck in any way of
life that no longer works for us.
Before any new creation, however, there is
always chaos. But to think of transformation as chaos – wow!
What a scary concept this is for nearly everyone! When chaos
hits in our lives, it is usually unexpected, and very quickly
things begin to go topsy-turvy. We are usually ill-prepared to
deal with it effects, nor do we trust that our lives will ever
settle down again.
Yet, entering into a state of chaos must
always be the first step in any process of creation … which,
by the way, is known as individuation in the creation of one’s
Self. And many of you today are in some of the major stages of
your individuation process! I’m hearing from several of you
by phone, email, or at our workshops. So this article is
written just for you, to hopefully bring you solace through a
greater understanding.
First of all, the word ‘individuation,’
remember, means the act of stepping out of a whole societal or
familial belief system that had always defined you, which you’d
never questioned, and becoming a statement of one’s own
unique Self. And this is never easy. Society’s mainstream
standards provide much security and the ease of never having
to think for oneself. So leaving this is like having to enter
the giant Unknown, the act of becoming a free thinker. So,
when correctly understood, chaos is the giant Unknown, but
actually a positive concept; it is the all-encompassing energy
field where unlimited uncreated potential spins in minute
colorful particles awaiting our recognition and focus. And by
our attention and intention, we enter into this to formulate
new possibilities. But until we actually enter into ‘the
spin’ and order that which we wish to design, nothing new
can ever take form – mentally, emotionally or physically.
The potter must have his clay; the musician, her instrument of
potential musical notes, for a master-piece to come forth.
Simply put, we create the new by bringing order out of chaos.
And upon a higher plane, we are materializing Spirit here on
earth by our intense desires and focused intention.
Now! This is heavy stuff – and frankly,
defines our very reason for being here on earth. So ponder
this article slowly, and really take it in. And fortunately,
many are learning today from their own direct experience how
to undergo this perpetual process of transformation, gathering
data from each particular, and even predictable, stage, about
how to live on a higher level of consciousness one laborious
step at a time. And sometimes, through the gift of Grace, a
leap in consciousness happens, and something comes clear all
at once.
This personal evolutionary task has now
been taken up by those who are avid seekers of wisdom and
love, as well as certain professional areas such as
transpersonal psychology, systems biology, subatomic physics,
holographic theory, and integrative medicine. So there is hope
that science and spirituality are about to merge. In the
future, an even more esoteric psychology will come to the fore
whose holistic principles will guide us to an even greater
understanding of ourselves. And subatomic physics is right
with us here. We’re discovering that we are energy beings
connected to the higher dimensions of Reality… the bigger
patterns, and our bigger story. So in the meantime, we must
trust the process and our own abilities to know truth and pay
heed to the fact that psychology and even science is evolving,
as are we.
Thank God for the well-worn path of direct
knowing! Without this as a given in our evolutionary growth,
we would be at the mercy of what the old-paradigm science
tells us is our reality. And this cause and effect, exacting
science is never creative; it only measures and hypothesizes
about what has already been. So unfortunately, with rare
exceptions, scientists tend to undermine our belief in these
natural rites of passage that re-create us and carry us to
wholeness. Not only do these logical positivists disavow these
processes, they give us nothing to replace them, nothing that
gives us further insight into the truth of our becoming. We
must turn to myth and the mystics where often we will find
clues through our universal stories and the wisdom of the
ancients about the true workings of creation as the way to
When we review human psychology’s course
through time we’ll see that Sigmund Freud brought us the
awareness that the unconscious mind must be accessed before we
can understand our behavior. He observed that our motivations
emanate from these unconscious processes that, until made
conscious, have power over us. Carl Jung increased our
knowledge of this great unconscious mind by showing us that we
are not only dictated by our own little personal unconscious
(the subconscious mind), but we are intricately interwoven
into humanity’s collective unconscious mind as well. He
called this vast unconscious mind the pleroma, which means
"the fullness of divine ecstasies and powers."
Therefore, he once commented that we can never separate from
our archetypal roots any more than we can separate from the
organs of our physical body without experiencing a severe
neurosis; we are ourselves these divine powers and archetypal
structures. They are the "organs" in our psyche’s
" body."
Your psyche is therefore both human and
divine, and already conditioned to know how to bring purified
order out of the creative bed of chaos and give an archetypal
event another chance to take form. Entering into sacred time
like this, we gain access to "the power of the gods"
to be used for the process of transformation itself, but never
for selfish use. To learn how to bring order out of chaos is
to understand the relationship between energy and matter, or
between spirituality and concrete reality.
To bring the desired order out of chaos,
our conscious mind must maintain a relationship with the
chaos. Whatever we intend to materialize must be consciously
recognized and reflected to come into form. In this manner it
is always possible for something new and pure to emerge from
the undifferentiated whole. When we can just surrender, stay
consciously awake, and allow this process to reveal itself to
us, nothing will stand in the way of our advancement upon our
unique life’s path. You’ll discover there is a "truth
detector" living inside you who already knows what’s
right for you and what isn’t. The key is to learn to turn
inward and listen.
The "new" physics is backing us
up on this. It has observed that in particle/wave theory, the
particles remain unformed, spinning in the background as part
of the wave function until actually observed. Once observed,
they pop out and reveal themselves – in pairs – one
spinning in one direction, the other in the opposite
direction! Ponder on this and you’ll see how vital is our
Observer Self function….and how two things going in opposite
directions make up the whole. Fred Alan Wolf says what we
observe and call real is what creates Reality! So, it isn’t
that we see it then believe it; we believe it, then we see it!
And someday all of science will catch up with this amazing
So we must learn to remain loyal to this
union between our conscious and unconscious minds at all
times, as a daily practice. The way our psyche works, it will
confront your ego with some aspect of itself that is still
totally unknown to you, something still uncreated. This will
often come to you in the form of a symbol, a mythological
dream, or an image of some aspect of life you’ve not yet
recognized. To understand symbols we must enter into their
dynamics; we cannot be a remote, disinterested spectator. This
is a key to our awakening upon a higher level of consciousness
with an ability to abide there in identity. If we realize that
symbols are messengers from another dimension who carry the
energies of transformation, we can merge with the symbol as we
would a great Master or High Being. We can actually become the
symbol in order to know it… and we will be transformed.
The proper sequence of work with any
Symbol, then, is threefold
Meet it
Meditate on it
Mediate it
1. First, we see it in our minds as an
object, something we can "wrap our mind around" and
name. Examine it thoroughly. You are materializing it,
bringing it into a thought form in your mind through a process
of recognition. You meet it and call it real. So now it can
have its impact on your consciousness.
2. Next, begin reacting to it. Think about it. Feel it.
Aspects of its nature are noted. Associations, insights,
revelations are summed up and made into something orderly you
can talk about, draw pictures of, and work with. In other
words, you meditate upon it. You are taking it in, merging
with it, feeling yourself as it. The symbol, as the messenger
that it is, is now giving you its qualities that come from a
higher order of your Self. This is how symbols talk to us.
This is the input stage.
3. Now, having absorbed its qualities, you apply them in your
life. And direct its use or its purpose as fully as you can.
You are now resonating with it, not reacting to it. You’re
making it a physical fact. You move it mentally to give it
meaning; embody it. You have now become its representative in
this world, a bridge between two worlds. You mediate it. This
is the output stage.
To spiritualize a thing we bring two levels
of consciousness together, from "on high" to here.
We picture it, give it meaning, then act as it. Our
spirituality is a concrete practice of being what we are truly
inspired to be. Now the two worlds have converged so we’re
operating upon a higher plane of reality. By linking symbols
to life we are spiritualizing this material world.
Symbols are the main keys of
transformation. They open doorways and point us inward to a
new aspect of ourselves or life. A key gives access to various
compartments of the Self or the higher worlds. Once we learn
to work with symbols we can commune with higher intelligences.
Through symbol we make the ordinary extraordinary.
"Innerwords" is the language of the Soul.
Now, if we will add discipline and will to
this kind of work, our lives become imbued with magic. It is
literally true: where there is a will there is a way! Standing
upright in the light of our own soul, we start to realize that
we are the upright Middle Pillar between heaven and earth; we
are ourselves "the Rods of Transformation," capable
of organizing and regulating all chaotic energies into useable
focus. Remember, chaos turns into order by seeing its own
reflection. And as the meaning-makers, it’s only by our
observation that this can happen. We must enter into the
dynamics of chaos so as not to be its pawn, but its partner
who moves it into new creations.
Through reflection and deep inner work, we
bring into materialization the cosmos of which we are an
integral part. So many who have come before have already done
this work; the principles and many techniques are already
"cut to length" so to speak, just awaiting our use
by those who recognize them as valuable truths. These symbols
we encounter in our inner work are not clumps of inanimate
matter; they are living energies capable of acting upon us as
well as auto-reaction to one another.
On a path of direct knowing, you will
notice that often you must experience things before you can
understand them. You may get caught up in others’ moods and
influences, or in their wants and desires, because we are
naturally empathic beings. but at some point this must be
corrected. The process of remaining consciously aware of who
we are at the being level -- as we exist -- is the task of the
today’s steward. No matter what role, task, or career
choices one makes this high degree of consciousness is the
stance of "the walker in two worlds", or the
bridge-builder into the higher dimensions. We develop a
two-way approach of seeing everything from both the old/new
way of being. This is a "double vision" mode of
conscious awareness. As co-creators, conscious of the fact
that we are creative, we take responsibility for what we
create and mis-create. For so it must be. At one level, there
are no mistakes: The Powers of Creativity never judge us, and
all can be used for good. Yet, at the level of ordinary
reality, harmfulness often accompanies unconscious activity,
whether it be mental attitudes, emotional/relational dynamics,
or physical actions.
We must remember that, just as the
unconscious and conscious minds are connected, so are chaos
and order also connected. One without the other is never
sufficient. This will require a personality change for people
who are bent on the simplicity of rigid, reductionistic
thought. We must all learn to respect the chaos of the
unconscious symbolic processes and work with them to create a
new Self. This is why transformational processes differ from
those of ordinary growth. The latter leads to simple, ordinary
lifestyle changes; the former to total rebirth into a whole
new way of being. And our world is starving for just this
right now!
When we are limited to the old ways of
patterning that never vary, we lose our capacity to respond to
new situations.
greater diversity of available responses to change,
the greater the potential to survive the unexpected."
-- John R. Van Eewyck, Archetypes and Strange Attractors
Chaos is the creative force that provides
this rich pool of potential. Never sell short anything that
comes to you in a dream or inner image from your unconscious
mind. It’s your soul’s way of communing with you. To move
from ego-domination to soul-domination, the symbolic realities
of your soul’s life must take form, right here, through you
and me. As Abraham Maslow once said to a group of his
students, "If not you, then who? And if not now, then
Eupsychia's retreat programs founded in
soul-based psychology are designed to take you on your inward
journey back to the source of your being, to find what's
waiting for you there. our methods are tried and proved
through years of experiential work with hundreds of awakening
souls. you already have within you all that you need to be
whole; we're all just been called now to re-member why we came
here and who we truly are.
join us anytime you can and discover members of your soul
family you've always known, waiting to greet you and support
your next right step in coming whole! if you've read this far,
your new life is already beginning.
Be conscious out there! In loving service,
Jacquelyn Small