Greetings from the
I feel very blessed to use my talents as an editor and writer
to serve others with this newsletter and my website. I hear
comments from people all over the world who find something of
value. Many are touched with this year’s series of true
stories from people showing us how to get through difficult
life challenges, using them to grow spiritually rather than
being a victim.
When others share their trials,
tribulations, and traumas and how they cope and grow, we gain
courage to step forward when life throws us a curve ball. We
resonate with them because our own issues surface, even if our
journey is entirely different. We are all the same on the
feeling/spiritual level. I express my gratitude for each of
you who has shared and who will in the future share your
stories. This month’s story rings a special note of
* I honor the place of wholeness,
light, love, truth, and beauty in you. When you are in that
place in you and I am in that place in me, there is only one
of us.
By Joy
I am so grateful. I have been given so
much. It was not so long ago that I lived hell. Overnight I
lost sight of heaven and felt only burning flames of hell
wherever I looked. I felt completely destroyed in every aspect
of my life.
I am deeply grateful that I have been a serious student of A
Course in Miracles for about 19 years. Without it I would not
be where I am today, but at that point I could not find enough
calm to meditate or use it.
the article)
By Suzanne E. Harrill
Affirmations to support self-esteem and spiritual growth
now available in monthly installments. Only available here on
the whole story)
Question: Sometimes in my day-to-day
interactions with my partner, we reach points of disagreement.
Thankfully, I have been learning to 'let go and let God' with
such matters so that I am not much emotionally tied into the
outcome of my point of view. However he does not embrace the
same philosophy of life where he thinks to 'trust'. His
automatic reaction is to get angry with me. If I do not agree
with his viewpoint, then he speaks out lots of irrational and
typically 'threatening' comments to me, in an effort to get me
to 'change my mind' to what he wants/thinks.
(read the
whole article)
by Suzanne E. Harrill
Whose voice do
I hear calling me
so quiet and elusive?
I am familiar with you,
inner voice of stillness.
Yet, I rarely
hear you clearly or
should I say pause to listen.
(read the
whole story)