Greetings from the
I Could Use Your Help
Some of you may have noticed that sells my books. There is a place for readers to
rate each book on their site. I need more reader comments for
my book, Enlightening Cinderella Beyond the Prince
Charming Fantasy. If you have read this book, please
consider adding your comments to their site. The first five
people inspired to read Enlightening Cinderella and add
comments to may receive a free copy. Click here to
send me an email.
Fortunate Blessings,
By Suzanne E. Harrill
Curiosity started me on the spiritual
journey. I had no idea that this trait would draw to me
information, books, people, and experiences that would
transform my life. I did not even know I was on a journey for
a good while. Now I understand from experience what people
mean when they say they are "on the Path." What
exactly is the spiritual journey? What is the difference
between one who is not on this journey yet and one who has
started? How does it get started? What can you expect once on
the journey?
the whole article)
By Suzanne E. Harrill
Affirmations to support self-esteem and spiritual growth
now available in monthly installments. This is an updated
edition of the seed thoughts and affirmations in the book,
Affirm Your Self Day by Day. Only available here on line.
the whole story)
Question: I have a major issue with
my daughter that is making me crazy-it involves her dog,
Monkey. When she went back to graduate school, I was not
honest with her about not wanting to keep her dog. I did take
Monkey and it was just a few days before I knew I had made a
mistake. My neighbors love this dog, so I gave the dog to
them. I finally told my daughter. She replied, "Trust
between us is seriously damaged-and over many things not just
this." She then went on to say, "Why don't you just
do things differently since you have been working on yourself
for so long?"
(read the
whole article)