
Celebrate Your Story

by Lisa Shultz

As human beings we experience many events over the course of our lives, yet we seldom get to share them in a way that leads to change, transformation for others who may be experiencing something similar. 

Stories have the power to cross boundaries of culture, language and age. Concepts conveyed in a story imprint themselves into the human mind. It is the stories we remember more than the idea or concept that might have been presented at the time.

Stories define us and give us a sense of identity. We may tell ourselves certain stories or believe or dismiss stories. The stories may not be accurate, yet if we believe them, they become our reality.

Stories have the ability to build and preserve a sense of community. Stories can align and motivate with vivid imagery and build emotional connections often providing a shared sense of purpose.

To be human is to have a story, and we think of our lives as a story. A story is the structure that gives meaning and order to our lives.

Stories are how we convey our deepest emotions and talk about those things that we value the most. It is through the stories we tell that we are most able to portray the fullest array of human emotion.

At their best, stories are incredibly persuasive because they ‘speak to us’ at a very meaningful, emotional, and often-unconscious level. When a story makes the hair on the back of our necks tingle it is because that particular story has touched a very deep nerve in our personal or collective psyches.

As children we were naturally good at telling stories about events or topics that mattered and learning from others via their stories, but as we became older we were taught that serious people relied only on presenting information and "the facts." Accurate information, sound logic, and the facts are necessary, of course, but truly effective leaders in any field know how to tell "the story" behind their success.

Women process their present day problems, their past history, and their dreams of their futures with stories. Often they express themselves more openly in the company of other women. They often feel that another woman will be able to relate to their story and telling it allows them to process what happened and make decisions about how to move forward.

Sharing a personal story with another person can be deeply bonding and create a lasting connection. Sometimes people hesitate to share their most personal stories, but when they speak from their hearts with courage, they often feel a catharsis and relief. Keeping their story private may seem safer, but when we keep our story tucked away from others, we may not be able to achieve a relatable connection with those around us.

Our stories have the power to release us from being stuck as well as inspire others simultaneously.  Hiding our stories may also seem like we are forgiving and forgetting, but actually sharing them can further us in our journey of healing.

I encourage you to celebrate your life and the stories within it. Those stories shaped you into who you are today. We all have the power to create a lasting legacy of our story. Begin to share your stories and then let them go free while you move on to create even more. The best is yet to come!


Lisa Shultz has found her heart’s work through connecting and empowering women with her networking organization Women, Wine, and Wellness, A public speaker, author, and networking expert, she now inspires other women to create the life of their dreams.  She is passionate about expanding her vision. Lisa is excited about supporting women in speaking their truth and sharing their personal stories. Her most recent book, Speaking Your Truth: Courageous Stories from Inspiring Women became an Amazon best seller in August 2010.  Her next book, How to Bring Your Book to Life This Year is due to be released in late October 2010. She can be reached at or





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