Holiday Issue 2010

Holiday, 2010

Balance and Equilibrium

"I enjoy balance and equilibrium today. I move forward as a bird does when it moves its wings in flight. I feel steady and stable as I live my day, flowing easily with the people and events. I stay centered by nurturing myself with kind words of encouragement, rest breaks from activities, eating reasonably, and exercising or moving my body."

-- from Seed Thoughts for Loving Yourself
by Suzanne Harrill, M.Ed.


This Month's Issue:

Enjoying the Holiday Season

By Suzanne E. Harrill

Have You Noticed Someone Today?

By Robert Evans


By Y. Yeutushenko

Celebrate Your Story

by Lisa Shultz

Reframing Life in the Changes

by Dr. James E. McReynolds


by K. Krishnamoorthi

Seed Thoughts for Loving Yourself

by Suzanne E. Harrill

Suzanne E. Harrill


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ISBN 9-781-883648-16-9

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Greetings from the Editor:

A Pen Pal

The internet is so incredible. I have a new friend via the internet; Krisna Moorthi lives in India. I met his daughter in a yoga class. After talking a few times, she wanted me to meet her dad because he has a website and is a writer and philosopher.  If you want to know more about Hindu Philosophy visit his website, www.vedantalearningcom.

What an exciting world this has become with the internet, where two totally different people from two very different cultures can have written conversations and find they have things in common philosophically. Look for his article on meditation below.

Fortunate Blessings,


Personal Growth

Enjoying the Holiday Season

By Suzanne E. Harrill

The holiday season is here again. How can we enjoy the holiday season even with it’s down side of materialism and too much to do? It is important to remember the roots of each holiday, and why the traditions began. Why not use this period of time to get in touch with deeper meaning and set an intention to grow in awareness, while at the same time enjoying the many opportunities for connecting to others and opening your heart...

(read the article)




By Y. Yeutushenko

Inside me the season is autumn.
The chill is in me. You can see through me
and I am sad, but not altogether cheerless,
and filled with humility and goodness.

(read the article)


Special Offer

December Seed Thoughts for Loving Yourself

By Suzanne E. Harrill

MONTHLY ON LINE AFFIRMATIONS.  Affirmations to support self-esteem and spiritual growth now available in monthly installments. From Seed Thoughts for Loving Yourself, Cultivating the Garden of Your Mind Day by Day.

(read the whole story)


Have You Noticed Someone Today?

By Robert Evans

 Hello Friends, I have something I want to share with you... something I'm going to dare you to do!

Most of us are not aware of the power of taking conscious moments to acknowledge someone. We don't realize how incredible it is for the person receiving it, especially those who rarely ever get a moment like that in their life. We especially don't know how incredible it is for us, the ones who are giving this moment away, and how simple it is to truly transform our life by making this a part of our daily experience...

(read the whole story)


Celebrate Your Story

by Lisa Shultz

As human beings we experience many events over the course of our lives, yet we seldom get to share them in a way that leads to change, transformation for others who may be experiencing something similar. 

Stories have the power to cross boundaries of culture, language and age. Concepts conveyed in a story imprint themselves into the human mind. It is the stories we remember more than the idea or concept that might have been presented at the time...

(read the article)

Personal Growth

Reframing Life in the Changes

by Dr. James E. McReynolds

Painfully aware that I am just two years from age 70, I pray and plan for the rest of my life and ministry, and will emphasize my times of joy and happiness. I find that I must frame life in a different way. Rarely is our end of life path clearly marked. To face these days, it is important not to fear, but to see life as an adventure of continuous change. Some of us do not grow up to do what we thought we would be doing with our lives. Times of failure descend upon us all at times. Life does not turn out as we planned. No person ever dreamed they would end up with cancer, or that they would be divorced, or lose their job...

(read the article)



by K. Krishnamoorthi

Constitution of the humans: Human beings have the faculty of thinking, reasoning, judging, and deciding. This is called the INTELLECT. This faculty is used by the humans to deal with situations that arise in day to day life while dealing with various situations in life. Any one who uses this faculty successfully is called an ‘intelligent person.’ This kind of intellect in humans is termed the ‘gross intellect’.  The humans also have a ‘Subtle Intellect’. This intellect is used in conceiving the transcendental. This subtle intellect helps in distinguishing the REAL from the UNREAL – Eternal from ephemeral. It is this intellect which used in Meditation to attain Spiritual Enlightenment. No other being possesses this faculty...

(read the article)

Enlighten Up   --    Humor

  • Grand-Parents and Children

    (a dozen jokes)

(read the Humor)


  • Adventure With Grandma

  • Two Horses

  • Liu Bolin ~ The Invisible Man

(read the Goodies)



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