
Have You Noticed Someone Today?

By Robert Evans

 Hello Friends, I have something I want to share with you... something I'm going to dare you to do!

Most of us are not aware of the power of taking conscious moments to acknowledge someone. We don't realize how incredible it is for the person receiving it, especially those who rarely ever get a moment like that in their life. We especially don't know how incredible it is for us, the ones who are giving this moment away, and how simple it is to truly transform our life by making this a part of our daily experience.

For example, what if someone handed you a card today that said:

Thank you for being who you are and doing what you do. Who you are is wonderful and what you do is important.

How would that feel, especially if that person was a stranger? Would it surprise you? Has that ever happen to you?  How do you think the give felt taking giving you this card?

I know how both sides of this coin feels for I have both received that card, which blew me away, and I've given hundreds of them away and felt that "energetic surge" of making a difference within just a few seconds it took to simply acknowledge that person with that card.

I didn't understand any of this until 8 years ago when I was introduced to the power of acknowledgment. Years later I wrote a small book on this topic called One Simple Act (soon to be re-released as a Messenger Mini-Book.) Once again I'm inspired to bring more awareness forth on the power of acknowledgment and today I've got a fun way to do it and a big call to action to those of you who have taken your time to read this email today.  Here's my invitation...

First... I Dare you to notice 10 people over the next week.  What does this mean? It means that you will consciously "see" people in and around your life and let them know you "see" them. Give them a compliment, pull them aside and tell them how important they are to you, give them a hug, tell them how important they are. Do this in your family, your work and to total strangers. See how it feels and notice the difference it makes..

If you are interested in more, go here:

Otherwise, go find someone right NOW (in person, on the phone, or even by email) and take a conscious moment to tell them why they are so special to you.

That's it.  Thank you for helping me spread this important message.

With Gratitude,

Robert Evans




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