Personal Experience

About Tapping

By Jeanine Sande

I am a medical intuitive. I do health readings for many people, as well as teach others how to heal themselves. An important part of helping others is to teach them about tapping.

Some of you may not know about Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) or Tapping. It uses stress-reduction acupuncture points to help clear the body of stress, pain, and upset. You can use tapping on anything - physical or emotional pain, illness, emotional anger, fear, anxiety, post-traumatic stress, mental issues. Before tapping it is important to be clear about what you want, which is the opposite of negativity in your life -- wellness, emotional wellbeing, good relationships, being pain free.

There are specific points to tap and words to say. Below is a short video of me demonstrating intuitive tapping, which is on my website. There is also a chart of the tapping points.

I use tapping almost every day - whenever I am feeling "off," resistant, or finding myself procrastinating on things I really want to do. I use it also on some of the bigger challenges in my life -- relationships, health, and emotional reactions. Try it.

I first started tapping in early 2011 after watching the movie "The Tapping Solution" ( I now teach others to use intuitive tapping, explained below.

Lighten Your Way Sessions


Jeanine Sande is a Reiki Master, Graduate and Ordained Minister of Rosalyn Bruyere's Healing Light Center Church Crucible Program, and Medical Intuitive Healer and Teacher. She offers teleclasses as well as hands-on and distant energy healing sessions. For more information upcoming classes on intuition, group healing, chakras and more, visit Lighten Your Way Calendar For info on sessions, including some healing videos, please visit Lighten Your Way Phone-Email Sessions





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