Suzanne E. Harrill

Winter 2020


This Month's Issue:

Dealing with Dis-ease
and Physical Challenges

By Suzanne Harrill

5 Causes of Low Self-Esteem
and How to Fight Them

By Martin Luenendonk

About Tapping

By Jeanine Sande


Enlighten Up

Suzanne E. Harrill

Suzanne has a talent for helping others know and accept themselves, solve problems, build good relationships, and grow in consciousness. She easily reflects acceptance and love to others, which encourages them to love themselves. This she does through writing, counseling, and professional speaking. Read the rest of the bio here.

Suzanne E. Harrill’s Mission Statement:

“To empower people to love and accept themselves, to heal pain from the past, to know their purpose, and to reach their potential individually and collectively.”

Greetings from the Editor:

If You Win, I Win

There is a running joke between my husband, Rodney, and me when playing gin rummy before going to sleep at night. In case you don't play the game, it is common to have a winning streak or losing streak that goes beyond how well you play each hand. On one of my losing stretches I watched myself feel like a sore loser. This time when Rodney got that silly smile on his face, it popped out of my mouth to say, "I'm happy you won because when you win, I win." Now before we kiss goodnight we'll laugh and say, "We won!"

This concept is a good idea to put into practice as a positive way to stop unhealthy competition with others. Simply being happy when another does well, adds a little warmth and cheer to the world. Why not celebrate with others whenever they do well or meet one of their goals. Play around with this idea, especially if your first tendency is to be a sore loser, if your sports team loses, or you don't do as well as someone else in any competitive situation. The true meaning comes forth with the saying, it's not whether you win or lose but how you play the game.




Personal Growth

Dealing with Dis-ease and Physical Challenges to Live by Intention

By Suzanne E. Harrill

Have you ever experienced a physical challenge, a medical diagnosis not to your liking, or an age-related problem? If we are fortunate enough to live to "old age," more than likely we will experience physical challenges. Our culture ignores the fact that life is not permanent on the physical level. Everything new breaks down and needs maintenance, from our houses and cars to our bodies. Living in a culture that is phobic about aging, death, and dying doesn't prepare us to know how to help ourselves when the body has problems. When we have something physically wrong at any age and for whatever reason, it is helpful to learn ways to heal and help our bodies...

(read the whole article)


Personal Growth

5 Causes of Low Self-Esteem and How to Fight Them

By Martin Luenendonk

When you hear about self-esteem you would usually think about the unpleasant feeling of low self-worth and embarrassment in the moment. However, low self-esteem could be considered one of the leading factors behind the risks you can afford taking, your attitude towards high-stake situations, the direction of your decision making, and, ultimately, how far you get in life.

(read the whole story) 


Special Offer

Seed Thoughts for Loving Yourself

By Suzanne E. Harrill

MONTHLY ON LINE AFFIRMATIONS.  Affirmations to support self-esteem and spiritual growth now available in monthly installments. From Seed Thoughts for Loving Yourself, Cultivating the Garden of Your Mind Day by Day.

(read the whole story)



Personal Experience

About Tapping

By Jeanine Sande

I am a medical intuitive. I do health readings for many people, as well as teach others how to heal themselves.& An important part of helping others is to teach them about tapping. Some of you may not know about Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) or Tapping. It uses stress-reduction acupuncture points to help clear the body of stress, pain, and upset. You can use tapping on anything...

(read the whole article)



Enlighten Up   --    Humor

Is My Time Up?

Christmas Cards

Christmas Brandy

(read the Humor)


A Man's Guide to Intimacy Summit

Find Your Energy Archetype

Power of Eight

(read the Goodies)





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