Personal Growth

Living in Gratitude

By Rev Edee Charlton

Gratitude is one of those magic connections in life.  When you are truly grateful to or for someone or something it creates an energy in your attitude that looks at the wonders of life.  Within the gratitude is an awareness of the blessings that are present.

Can you image bringing to mind each person who has touched your life and thanking them for the blessings they have bestowed upon you.  I think of each member of my family, the incredible friends I have and those who have had a fleeting presence.  All of them have added to the experiences that I have had.  All of them have played a part in creating the person I am today. And I am grateful.

I started the count of people who have blessed my life in my heart.  Each person I blessed brought more light to me.  I do not know how long it took and it really does not matter.  What I felt at the end of the blessing was amazing.  I was wrapped in the blessings infused with love. In, through and around me.  Just like a prayer, just like God.

This is my wish for you this Thanksgiving.  An absolute knowing that you have everything you need; the evidence of abundance everywhere around you. The blessings of your life present in your heart, in your communications, in your experience of the day.

Affirmation:  I am so grateful.  Everything I need is right here right now.





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