Special Offer

Seed Thoughts for Loving Yourself

by Suzanne E. Harrill


Affirmations to support self-esteem and spiritual growth now available in monthly installments. Download February's Seed Thoughts for only $8. This is an updated edition of the seed thoughts and affirmations in the book, Affirm Your Self Day by Day. Only available here on line.

Here's an example from the first page of the February affirmations:

Others’ Approval

It is okay if some people do not like me.
As I become more and more my real Self,
I become less dependent on the
approval of others for my well-being.
Some people will never like me,
and I accept this.
I choose to love myself.
The choices I make regarding my behavior,
values, beliefs, goals, wants, and needs are no longer based on the approval of others.

I let go of expecting everyone to
like, support, and approve of me.


Today I focus on unconditionally giving.
First, I fill myself emotionally and get my
needs met; then I give without an
expectation of a return.
I listen to my Inner Self to identify what I need.
I meet these needs first so that my giving
comes from the good feeling I get when
expressing kindness towards another.

I give to the degree that I am filled up.


February Seed Thoughts for Loving Yourself

February Seed Thoughts
Price: $8.00

Note about your purchase:
The payment system will say that your purchase will be shipped to you,
but actually this is a download that you can do, immediately.




Love Offerings and Tithes Appreciated
Send to seharrill@gmail.com

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