Vol 2, No. 2


"A baby’s smile
reminds us that
We are loved
by the Divinity within
all of us."

-- American Zen Saying
by Suzanne E. Harrill


This Month's Issue:

Love Is Never Enough To Have A Relationship Work

by Bill Ferguson

The Most Skipped Step on the Journey

by Suzanne Harrill

The Enlightened Perspective

by Alan Maleh 

Questions & Answers

Enlighten Up

Inner Fitness For Creating a Better You

An inspiring and easy-to-understand course for self-study or for a group leader to facilitate groups.

Usually $24.95.
Special Price
for Feb. 2004 Only:
(plus shipping)

 Sample Page


Greetings from the Editor:

Be Your Own Valentine

Happy Valentine’s Day! Remember my article last time about becoming the person you always wanted to marry? (You may see previous issues here.) Apply the information on February 14 whether you are in a relationship or not. Allow some time to appreciate the beauty, wonder, and worth of yourself. Create some alone time to affirm your love and appreciation for yourself. Take special note of your good points and express gratitude for the unique individual that you are.

Note of Interest: Check out another great on-line newsletter, Inspiration Line. Editor Chelle Thompson, who also writes for the Innerwords Messenger, featured my article, Paining with a Full Pallet of Color, in her January 26th newsletter. To view this article or sign up for her ezine, go to www.Inspirationline.com

Fortunate blessings,



Special Offer

Seed Thoughts for Loving Yourself

By Suzanne Harrill

NEW MONTHLY ON LINE AFFIRMATIONS.  Affirmations to support self-esteem and spiritual growth now available in monthly installments. This is an updated edition of the seed thoughts and affirmations in the book, Affirm Your Self Day by Day. Only available here on line.

(read the whole story)



Self Awareness

The Most Skipped Step on the Journey

By Suzanne E. Harrill

We evolve daily as we explore our life and build awareness, getting to know ourselves better, face our fears, change habits, and make conscious choices to better our lives. We do many things to evolve: read self-help books, gathering information to improve our lives; talk to friends about our problems, receiving support to solve them; or go to a group or individual psychotherapy, gathering insights from others outside of our frame of reference. Some of us, on the fast track, do all of the above and more...

(read the whole story)



Suzanne Says

Questions & Answers

Question: My mother needs therapy but does not know it. It weighs on me that she is so emotionally needy and does not know how to take care of those needs. It pushes me away, yet I still feel responsible for her. What do you suggest I do?

(read the whole article)


Love Is Never Enough To Have A Relationship Work

by Bill Ferguson            

One of the things I discovered as a former family law attorney is that love by itself is never enough to have a relationship work. The divorce courts are full of people who love each other.

For example, what good is my love for you if I treat you lousy? It’s worthless. If I want our relationship to work, I need to make sure you feel loved. It’s the experience of love that makes the difference...

(read the whole article)

Enlighten Up


  • True Friends always pop up to say Hello

  • True Friends don't Care if you're a lil' different

  • True Friends never fight like cats and dogs

  • True Friends will drive you anywhere!

(read the funnies)


Spiritual Growth

The Enlightened Perspective

by Alan Maleh                  

"To be exposed and amenable to a diverse array of individuals with different attributes, talents and skill sets, varying levels of expertise and a wide range of interests. Excluding no one. And ideally those who are not afraid to tell [me] what they think."

This creed incorporates ten tenets as follows...

(read the whole article)


Love Offerings and Tithes Appreciated
Send to seharrill@gmail.com

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