Personal Growth

What’s Your New Story

by Gary Bate

Whenever I grab a Latte in a coffee shop, I observe young and old engaging in their emotional stories, normally about what he or she said or done. Are the TV soaps depicting real life or are our youngsters now mimicking the actors in the soaps? I guess it doesn’t matter who’s playing who because it’s all a product of mind control.

You meet a friend for coffee and you give them your story and they give you their story. Who is speaking? Your emotions! What’s the point? It’s not the truth! It’s just a story you’ve concocted to make you feel better and often to get the other person to feel sorry for you or take pity on you. And how great it feels when they get involved in your story and offer their perspective – now you can expand it even further!

Listen to the ‘stories’ in your mind and you’ll see how good your mind is at constructing them. The more you do this the more you’ll realize that you are the observer and they are not the truth. Your ‘mind constructs’ are your emotional demons that you haven’t resolved into wisdom. Pulling the rug from underneath your fantasy life is probably the most subtle mastery there is…

On my home page, I’ve stated that people die because of what they believe in. Have a real good think about that one because it’s very deep. For instance, isn’t your belief in your own death a factor in bringing it about? The policeman who died recently in the Cumbria floods did so because he was pursuing what he believed in, and the same applies to the servicemen.

The reason I digressed a little there was because what I’m trying to say is we all eventually die because of the stories we create in our minds and believe in; instead of understanding what a big lie it all is. Whatever you believe in, no matter whether it’s from a book you’re read or from a teacher you’ve heard or from advertising or from your own mind construct; this will feature in your reality.

It’s so easy for the student who reveres the teacher, for that student to cling to everything being taught as gospel – I’ve witnessed it many times over. Be very careful not to ‘take on board’ somebody else’s limitations otherwise you will have a commonality with them!

Which emotional stories are you running? And what are the real motives to them? Are they really the truth or have you concocted them to serve you in some way? I love those PAIN stories! They seem to go on forever! What choice has the body got when it is the ‘sufferer’s ‘ mind keeping the pain in place by continuing to run the story…

You know even the most powerful people on this planet sometimes swing and play victim when they don’t get their own way. And sometimes a powerful person will follow another powerful person if they perceive that that person is more powerful than they are. This ‘raw’ power is seated in control and is very different from ‘authentic’ power of unconditional love, which is all about letting go.

Now please don’t delude yourself by convincing yourself that you have crossed the great chasm to the blissful place of continually living unconditional love, because to do so, all of your emotional stories have to end; which means you have to differentiate between the lies that serve you and the truth of your true nature. 
How often do we all fall short and fail to consciously create anything in our lives? We seem to prefer to continue the conditioned chase of a material life full of stress coupled with going to the gym and going on holiday as temporary relief from it. It doesn’t matter whether you are more versed in Western or Eastern medicine, emotional stress is the cause of all disease. Even hereditary conditions are just the genetic transference of emotional mindsets from one generation to another…

Emotion is the fabric of life and feeling a new emotion is an orderly sense of experience when one’s creation is finalized. So emotion is not the enemy here but the constant replaying of past emotional experiences is evidence of a lack of wisdom and is what is dragging the body down energetically. So once again I make the case for wisdom being the pearl of this life.

For me, I have come to understand that ‘peace of mind’ will be my greatest achievement. No amount of material comfort, adrenaline hits or satisfying addictions can ever bring about fulfillment for me – I know I tried it! Peace of mind and sweet slumber is all I crave for…

Run the stories for as long as you like but from now on they will never ‘feel’ quite right for you. Once your soul (your conscience) emerges as a dominant force in your life, you will be guided more by what you ‘feel’ is right for you than by a passion you once had. It’s not about ‘right or wrong’ or ‘denying pleasure’ but is simply that your soul wants you to move on because you’ve done it many times before and it’s bored!

I wish for you a new story to include merriment, joy, laughter and peace of mind.


Gary Bate,






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