Greetings from the
Thank You Helpful People
I love it when someone unexpectedly does a nice deed for me. Jim O’Connor, whom I do not know in person, wrote a great review of my book, Empowering Teens to Build Self-Esteem. Read his review here and check out his educational blog as it all relates to self-esteem. Then I included in this newsletter an article Dan Smith wrote relating to another of my books, Enlightening Cinderella. Following I have included both reviews. I am grateful for the help from both of you.
Many of you readers order books and send my articles and homepage to your friends to review. Both of these actions help me keep this website going. (For those new to reading my newsletter or past articles, notice at the bottom of each page you can send things to your friends’ email) I say, “Thank you!”
Enjoy Fortunate Blessings,
by Jim O'Connor
It seems to me that every kid has something going for him or her. Maybe not good looks, and maybe not brains, but some quality that eventually gets them somewhere in life. It might be an interest in books, a hobby, music, a sport, art, fashion, mechanics, computers, or any number of things. They pursue it, or a parent or teacher or a friend encourages them, and it leads to a career. Or they just fall into a profession.
the whole article)
by Dan Smith
Is the man who swept you off your feet now stepping on your toes? Does the handsome Prince Charming who rescued you and rocked your world – your one and only ‘soulmate’ – now seem but a distant memory? After the “honeymoon” stage in any relationship, when the wonder has waned and reality sets in, both partners feel the thump of crashing back to earth; the realization that the magic of first experience can not last indefinitely...
the whole story)
by Gary Bate
Whenever I grab a Latte in a coffee shop, I observe young and old engaging in their emotional stories, normally about what he or she said or done. Are the TV soaps depicting real life or are our youngsters now mimicking the actors in the soaps? I guess it doesn’t matter who’s playing who because it’s all a product of mind control.
You meet a friend for coffee and you give them your story and they give you their story. Who is speaking? Your emotions! What’s the point? It’s not the truth! It’s just a story you’ve concocted to make you feel better and often to get the other person to feel sorry for you or take pity on you. And how great it feels when they get involved in your story and offer their perspective – now you can expand it even further!
the whole article)
By Suzanne E. Harrill
Affirmations to support self-esteem and spiritual growth
now available in monthly installments. From Seed Thoughts for
Loving Yourself, Cultivating the Garden of Your Mind Day by
the whole story)