Winter 2010

Daily Purpose

"I begin my day by asking to be of service. I watch with expectancy for today’s special assignment. I accept the detours that bring unexpected meetings and situations with others. Whatever presents itself I know I will learn something of value and see where I am needed. I watch with expectancy for today’s special purpose."

-- from Seed Thoughts for Loving Yourself
by Suzanne Harrill, M.Ed.


This Month's Issue:

Facing the World
by Jim O'Connor


by Dan Smith

What’s Your New Story
by Gary Bate

By Judy Finch

What’s the Root Cause
of Money Issues?

By Jeff Bauer


Enlighten Up

Suzanne E. Harrill

For over 25 years, Suzanne has facilitated the growth and awareness of many people through counseling, writing, teaching, and professional speaking. On a personal note, Suzanne has been married since 1966, has three grown daughters, and is a grandmother. She enjoys watercolor painting and creating original stained glass pieces.

Enlightening Cinderella Beyond the Prince Charming Fantasy

Usually $12.95.
Special Price
for Feb - May, 2010 Only:
(plus shipping)

"Enlightening Cinderella is the most helpful and well written of books in this genre. A friend, who lectures in Engineering and conducts highly sophisticated research, was recently �abandoned� by his wife of 25 years and devastated. He borrowed a number of self-help books in an effort to comprehend his dilemma and yours was the only one he found to satisfy his enquiring mind. It is so clear and packed with sensible and intelligent revelations. Thank you most sincerely from both of us."

    --    Marjorie Allen

Reader Experience


Greetings from the Editor:

Thank You Helpful People

I love it when someone unexpectedly does a nice deed for me. Jim O’Connor, whom I do not know in person, wrote a great review of my book, Empowering Teens to Build Self-Esteem. Read his review here and check out his educational blog as it all relates to self-esteem. Then I included in this newsletter an article Dan Smith wrote relating to another of my books, Enlightening Cinderella. Following I have included both reviews. I am grateful for the help from both of you.

Many of you readers order books and send my articles and homepage to your friends to review. Both of these actions help me keep this website going. (For those new to reading my newsletter or past articles, notice at the bottom of each page you can send things to your friends’ email) I say, “Thank you!”

Enjoy Fortunate Blessings,



Facing the World

by Jim O'Connor

It seems to me that every kid has something going for him or her.  Maybe not good looks, and maybe not brains, but some quality that eventually gets them somewhere in life.  It might be an interest in books, a hobby, music, a sport, art, fashion, mechanics, computers, or any number of things.  They pursue it, or a parent or teacher or a friend encourages them, and it leads to a career. Or they just fall into a profession.

(read the whole article)




by Dan Smith

Is the man who swept you off your feet now stepping on your toes? Does the handsome Prince Charming who rescued you and rocked your world – your one and only ‘soulmate’ – now seem but a distant memory? After the “honeymoon” stage in any relationship, when the wonder has waned and reality sets in, both partners feel the thump of crashing back to earth; the realization that the magic of first experience can not last indefinitely...

(read the whole story)


Personal Growth

What’s Your New Story

by Gary Bate

Whenever I grab a Latte in a coffee shop, I observe young and old engaging in their emotional stories, normally about what he or she said or done. Are the TV soaps depicting real life or are our youngsters now mimicking the actors in the soaps? I guess it doesn’t matter who’s playing who because it’s all a product of mind control.

You meet a friend for coffee and you give them your story and they give you their story. Who is speaking? Your emotions! What’s the point? It’s not the truth! It’s just a story you’ve concocted to make you feel better and often to get the other person to feel sorry for you or take pity on you. And how great it feels when they get involved in your story and offer their perspective – now you can expand it even further!

(read the whole article)


Special Offer

February Seed Thoughts for Loving Yourself

By Suzanne E. Harrill

MONTHLY ON LINE AFFIRMATIONS.  Affirmations to support self-esteem and spiritual growth now available in monthly installments. From Seed Thoughts for Loving Yourself, Cultivating the Garden of Your Mind Day by Day.

(read the whole story)


Personal Growth


By Judy Finch

What is Spiritual Counseling? It uses helps one understand the story one created before entering this life. That story unfolds as the Soul attracts people, places, things, times, and events that help act out this story. This is also called pre-destiny. We fulfill the “destiny” of our story, unless we awaken to the greater power of what we are – Divine Beings. In this case we can choose to own the play we wrote completely, call it the past, and start Re-creating life the way we now choose it to be using our free will choice.

We cannot change what we do not recognize, therefore, spiritual counseling helps one understand what one created to explore this lifetime. Believe it or not it is possible to discover the language of the soul.

(read the whole article)


Personal Growth

What’s the Root Cause of Money Issues?

By Jeff Bauer

There is a story about a man named Jeff who asked me for help with some major money issues. He told me he tried all sorts of things to make more money:

  • Affirmations
  • Visualizing
  • Courses on the Law Of Attraction (he told me he spent hundreds of dollars just on LOA materials)
  • Subliminals

As I began working with him, I remembered back to when I had the same kind of challenges and what I learned. And how much I struggled with trying to get ahead (or in many cases just to keep up)...

(read the whole story)


Enlighten Up   --    Humor


Mother/Daughter Banquet

Veterinary Sheriff

(read the Humor)


A Beautiful Story

Soul Connexion Books

(read the Goodies)



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