Creating World Peace

Christmastime brings to the forefront the idea of world peace. Images are everywhere to remind us of this potential. No matter your spiritual path, consider pausing each time you see the many Christmas cards and decorations this month to allow the deeper meaning of Christmas to surface: Peace on Earth and Goodwill to All Humanity.

A bumper sticker which was popular several years ago caught my attention; it read, "Visualize World Peace." This is a new spin on the idea of a world at peace sometime in the distant future, a world in which others stop all the fighting and start getting along. This bumper sticker was cleaver, planting a seed-thought to open-minded individuals encouraging them to contribute towards the peace process regardless of the destructive ways some behave and think. You may wonder what this has to do with you. I want you to know how important you are in implementing this world change. Let us review the creative process: look at the examples of other individuals and groups contributing toward a world at peace to stimulate your own ideas; then focus on yourself and creating inner peace in your own life.

It makes a difference what you do, think, say, and visualize in your individual life; it adds weight to our collective experience, which is a summation of all the individual realities. To the degree we, as one-humanity, align our inner visions and create peace in our own lives, we add to the power of creating peace on the whole planet. There is a critical mass needed where enough people believe in, affirm, and visualize world peace, thus influencing the greater whole. No one knows exactly how many individuals are needed to swing the world in a new direction. Consider that your consciousness may be the one needed to reach this critical mass.

Visualization is part of the formula for manifesting goals in this world. When you desire something, whether it is the ingredients to create a dinner recipe or to lead a life with a college degree, there are several things that move you towards the goal. You scan possibilities when you daydream about a future reality. This helps you determine what you really want. Once you land on a desired goal, it is because you feel very intensely about the results you want. You talk about it and affirm what you want, you think about what it would be like to have what you want, and, whether or not you realize it, you picture what you want to happen or experience in the inner vision of your mind. Usually we focus on creating our individual or family goals. It also works for larger goals like world peace.

Let us look at some pictures others have of world peace in order to motivate your creative thinking. Sometimes others have ideas you like and you simply add your power to their visions, such as the ideas of John Lennon in his song, Imagine; "…a world where we will live as one."

I once asked a group of elementary school children what world peace would look like. They answered, "There would be no bombs or war. People wouldn’t fight or steal. There would be no killing." We can also receive ideas by observing what some humanitarian groups, such as Habitat for Humanity, do on the planet. I like the ideas of Hiefer International which believes that the root causes of peace are food, self-sufficiency, and the restoration of dignity and community; their mission is to address and meet these needs.

Part of my vision is that each child is planned and each parent is educated to nurture, care for, and be responsible for their children. People will then have a solid base of self-esteem and be able to actualize their purposes. It is a place where people at an early age learn to understand themselves, communicate with integrity and respect for individual differences, resolve conflict without dominating or being dominated. It is a world where each individual is encouraged towards being self-motivated to develop their interests and purpose. Pause now to see what is inside your daydreams of a world at peace for all.

Let us back up now and look at our own lives. As we awaken, we gain awareness about how to heal our belief systems, feelings, and actions. As we experience deep peace in our lives, we personally live in a world of peace, and it automatically adds more peace to the whole world.

What is inner peace? It is a place of physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual balance. (You might take a look at the first issue of the Innerwords Messenger to remind you of some ways to nurture yourself on each of these levels.) Inner peace is loving, respecting, accepting, and forgiving yourself and others on a regular basis. Over time you learn to live harmoniously within yourself. As you heal yourself and live more moments of inner peace, you automatically extend it and positively influence others.

I invite you to add the weight of your visions with those behind the scene who gently move us towards world peace. It may seem like a big a jump for you at this time to visualize world peace for all; however, know that you are already contributing to world peace or the lack of it. Why not do it consciously? Begin with your own life, moving step by step into greater awareness. As you create inner peace within, it flows into your relationships and your community, which influences the whole world. Visualize world peace to add the weight of your energy in order to benefit all of humanity.




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