Vol 1, No. 4


"To err on the side
of giving too much,
I open my heart again.

-- American Zen Saying
by Suzanne E. Harrill


This Month's Issue:

Creating World Peace

By Suzanne E. Harrill

The Compassionate Choice

By Chelle Thompson

Conflict & Spirituality

J Patrick Ware MD

Questions & Answers

Enlighten Up

A great holiday gift!

I Am A Star
My Building High Self-Esteem Book

A children’s affirmation book, ages 2-10.

Holiday Special for December 2003 Only $9.95

 Read Reviews


Greetings from the Editor:

The tradition of exchanging Christmas cards helps as a reminder of the deeper meaning. Christmas cards remind me of the spirit behind the holiday. Opening each one brightens my mood and brings a moment of connectedness to friends, many of which I may never see again in person. I enjoy the many creative ways artists and poets express the meaning of the season.

Are you curious about the timing of when I send this newsletter to you? The birthday of The Innerwords Messenger was September 12, 2003, so the 12th is my target launching day each month.  

Fortunate blessings,


Self Awareness

Creating World Peace

Christmastime brings to the forefront the idea of world peace. Images are everywhere to remind us of this potential. No matter your spiritual path, consider pausing each time you see the many Christmas cards and decorations this month to allow the deeper meaning of Christmas to surface: Peace on Earth and Goodwill to All Humanity...

(read the whole story)


The Little Gold Box

Author Unknown

The story goes that some time ago, a man punished his 5-year-old daughter for wasting a roll of Expensive gold wrapping paper. Money was tight and he became even more upset when the child pasted the gold paper so as to decorate a box to put under the Christmas tree.

Nevertheless, the little girl brought the gift box to her father the next morning and said, "This is for you, Daddy...."

(read the whole story)


Suzanne Says

Questions & Answers

Learning from Synchronistic Events

Jennifer: I consider myself an aware person; however, I cannot understand the meaning behind two recent accidents in my car, neither of which were my fault; then during the recent flooding in Houston my car received water damage. There are too many incidences for it to just be a coincidence...

(read the whole article)


The Compassionate Choice

by Chelle Thompson               

In a world that is shifting, everything around us is being redefined. Through the challenges in my life, I've learned that maintaining a loving arena of Accountability creates a cornerstone for change. It's also the gift that keeps on giving — for, when individuals actually rise to the occasion and accept responsibility for their actions, they then reflect a high level of consciousness that is a beautiful gift in return.

(read the whole article)

Enlighten Up


  • Nativity Scene

  • Christmas Brandy

  • Christmas List

  • Wonderful Computer

(read the funnies)


Spiritual Growth

Conflict and Spirituality

By: J Patrick Ware MD   

I was recently asked to share some reflections on the nature of conflict and spirituality. The following are some of those thoughts...

If the absence of conflict is peace, then one could reasonably imagine that any entity which encourages or enhances peace may reduce or eliminate conflict. In any argument, if common ground can be developed between the opposing parties, the original investment in the issues of contention usually fade – the clear basis of negotiation/arbitration.....

(read the whole article)


Inner Fitness: A Time for Renewal, Nurturing, and Creativity -- presented at Texas Association for Marriage & Family Therapy conference, Sat. Jan 17   Adams Mark Hotel, Houston.


Love Offerings and Tithes Appreciated
Send to seharrill@gmail.com

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