Vol 4, No. 2


"You hurt,
I cry.
Feeling the extension of
our one Self."

-- American Zen Saying
by Suzanne E. Harrill


This Month's Issue:

Transforming Victimization:
True Stories #2

New Year Reflections

By Faith Simon

Loving Y.O.U.

by Zannah Hackett

February Seed Thoughts
for Loving Yourself

Questions & Answers

Enlighten Up

I Am A Star
My Building High Self-Esteem Book

A children’s affirmation book, ages 2-10.

Special Price
for February 2006 Only:
(plus shipping)

 Read Reviews


Greetings from the Editor:

A Warm Thanks to Faith Down Under

While living in Australia several years ago, I met a woman who has continued to stay in touch with me. She has contributed tremendously to this newsletter. If you have been reading the Suzanne Says section for the past couple of years you will note Faith asks a lot of interesting questions, usually about her relationships. This month we have a short, inspiring article she wrote called New Years Reflections. After reading it, pause and see what you have to say to yourself about last year.

Happy Valentine’s Day.



Transforming Victimization: True Stories #2

How does one heal and grow from an unthinkable traumatic experience? It helps each of us when others open their hearts and tell their stories. In this issue and several following, personal stories illustrate how we can move beyond staying a victim and how to use painful events to grow spiritually. Know that the events that wounded us, whether or not they are as severe as those in these stories, can deepen our relationship with our Self and be used for the upliftment of our consciousness. To raise our consciousness out of the consensus reality of victim/victimizer consciousness, takes tremendous courage and vigilance...

(read the article)


Special Offer

February Seed Thoughts for Loving Yourself

By Suzanne E. Harrill

MONTHLY ON LINE AFFIRMATIONS.  Affirmations to support self-esteem and spiritual growth now available in monthly installments. This is an updated edition of the seed thoughts and affirmations in the book, Affirm Your Self Day by Day. Only available here on line.

(read the whole story)


Suzanne Says

Questions & Answers

Question: Hi Suzanne: Please give me some insights. I’m at a new job, teaching 4 and 5 year olds at a private school that goes from age three to fifth grade. I enjoy all that I am learning in the classroom and the setting is ideal in many respects.  We have a large patio that is open on most days (weather permitting) and we often eat our snack outside, too....

(read the whole article)


New Year Reflections

By Faith Simon                    

I am sustained by comforting thoughts from Spirit.  Looking back on the year just past I am heartened by the realization that it's such a long time since I cried.  To me this speaks of the increased inner strength I've acquired....

Time after time when I am struggling with an issue in my life, most often to do with my relationship with my partner, I get a new perspective on my situation that encourages me to let go, give up my self absorption and move into a mind set of TRUST...

(read the whole article)



Loving Y.O.U.

by Zannah Hackett                      

Isn’t it curious how just about everything in this material world comes with an operating manual; one specifically addressing the care and maintenance of its make, model and style? I don’t care if it’s a computer, a car, a refrigerator or a package of flower seeds, we always seem to get a description in ten or more languages of how to operate or nurture the item of concern. Well, human beings also require some operating instructions if we are to understand one another...

(read the whole article)


Enlighten Up   --    Humor

Blonde Jokes


(read the humor)


Making You Smile


(read the Goodies)



Love Offerings and Tithes Appreciated
Send to seharrill@gmail.com

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