Greetings from the
A Call for Group Service, The Seed
Thought Project
You might recall my sharing about how a special
purpose found me about three years ago. My book, Affirm
Your Self Day by Day, is now in the hands of many women
prisoners and inspiring them to improve their lives. This book
is now out of print. The updated version is currently an
e-book titled Seed
Thoughts for Loving Yourself.
Are you looking for ways to impact the world positively? Would
you like to join a team, volunteering your talents and
interests to publish this new book? Some of the needs for the
Seed Thought Project are a graphic artist to format the book
and cover, proof readers, people to mail books and answer
letters, money or stamps for shipping, contacts for publishing
economically, ideas to improve and expand. Volunteers will
have the opportunity to buy books at a high discount for
personal use or to donate to favorite charities, such as
church groups or women's shelters. If you are interested please
contact me.
Fortunate Blessings,
By Suzanne E. Harrill
Are you overly sensitive to criticism? Are
you a good critic yourself? It goes both ways usually.
Criticism experienced from others almost, if not always has a
component of projection on the other person’s part. When it
hurts us, we benefit from realizing we have a hidden match
within ourselves or it would simply roll off of us like water
on a duck’s back...
the article)
By Suzanne E. Harrill
Affirmations to support self-esteem and spiritual growth
now available in monthly installments. This is an updated
edition of the seed thoughts and affirmations in the book,
Affirm Your Self Day by Day. Only available here on line.
the whole story)
Question: Hi Suzanne
I wonder if you have any thoughts about
babies and the practice of controlled crying. My little
granddaughter Sophia is now 4 months old. She has been
difficult to settle from the word go. She is a poor
sleeper (except at night) and often appears to cry for no
apparent reason. She seems not often relaxed.
"Is it possible to emotionally 'harm'
or deprive a small baby by leaving them to cry and scream
themselves into a state of physical despair?"
(read the
whole article)