Greetings from the
Valentine's Day emphasizes Eros love, which
is love between two lovers. Many project their fantasies and
love ideals either on their partner or a wished for partner.
This is a set up because anytime you project wishes, hopes,
and dreams onto another, you can easily get disappointed when
things do not go according to your inner desires.
Why not take charge of your Valentine's Day this year? Do
something nurturing for yourself and then extend yourself to
one or more friends to practice another kind of live, philios
love. This is love between friends. Here you know you can take
charge of your day by giving rather than waiting to receive
something that may or may not meet your expectations. Consider
contacting a friend or family member you truly care about and
enjoy philios love and companionship.
By Suzanne E.
Self-esteem is how you feel about yourself and
is based on the things you believe about yourself, the things
you say to yourself, and the images you have about yourself. Consciously and
unconsciously you send thoughts and opinions about yourself to
yourself. These thoughts can be accurate and helpful or they
can be false and damaging.
Many of the beliefs you have about yourself
were planted in your mind when you were a child. As a young
child you knew no boundaries, you were not separate from
others in the family, so you absorbed, like a little sponge,
all the ways of your family. You copied the spoken and
unspoken beliefs and patterns modeled to you by parents and
family. What was said, you believed was true. Many things you
did not understand, and thus interpreted with a child’s
the whole article)
By Suzanne E. Harrill
Affirmations to support self-esteem and spiritual growth
now available in monthly installments. This is an updated
edition of the seed thoughts and affirmations in the book,
Affirm Your Self Day by Day. Only available here on line.
the whole story)
QUESTION: Hi Suzanne. I am still
enjoying your newsletter. Another question for you
follows..... In the introduction to your book
'Enlightening Cinderella' you state ..."we can only
attract a partner similar to us in consciousness, with
similar lessons to learn."
I have noted in and through my communication with my partner
on 'hot' topics (important issues for our relationship) that
although I learn a lot from the experience through his
feedback and my own reactions, I always feel like I'm the
'baby' or 'inferior one' and he the 'superior one' in the
(read the
whole article)