
Healing Affirmations for Self- Knowing

By Suzanne E. Harrill

  • In silence I allow Divine Love to nourish and fill me up spiritually in order to take care of myself physically and emotionally. As I follow my inner guidance, I easily handle the details of my life.

  • I begin the journey of self-sufficiency by focusing on my true needs. I take one step at a time to fulfill these needs.

  • As I open myself to heal and forgive past hurts, I have energy available for self-care.

  • I am in charge of my life and I take full responsibility for creating my life the way I want it.

  • I release all need to be a victim and let go of being needy.  I am capable of nurturing myself.

  • I celebrate when another chooses to give to me and I receive gratefully.

  • I am open to hear wisdom from others as I continue to heal the past.

  • I spend time connecting to nature each day, allowing the energy of the sun to energize my solar body. 

  • I touch the Earth each day with my bare feet to receive its grounding energy to help me care for myself in the physical world.

  • I enjoy the beauty in the sky.

  • I tune into myself daily to easily see the next step on my path.

  • I step forward on my path with courage, ready to create my life anew.

  • I am energized by focusing on the present moment and acknowledging what is good in my life.





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