
The New Kids on the Block!

By Eaglemoon Raes


I remember what it was like to be home. It was
a lot different than here.  Everything was beautiful.
I loved everyone and they loved me back equally.
How come it doesn’t feel like that here?

                                          Andrew, age 4 
                                        (from The Children of Now)

“And the children shall lead us” isn’t that what the Bible has told us for ages?  Can it be possible that this is actually what is happening in our world today?   But how can we hear the children if we don’t know how to listen?  How can we guide our children if we don’t know who we’re raising? 

Perhaps your life is like mine. Frequently in my parenting, I felt like I was trying to navigate a clipper ship around Cape Horn with two conflicting paradigms continuously colliding, ya know what I mean?  It didn’t seem so difficult when the sun was out but once the rain, wind, and waves hit, panic and overwhelm set in too.  In raising my kids, most of what I believed to be true, my indoctrination, no longer fit in with my mothering. The books all seemed out-of-date, the “experts” often fell short in their advice, and little by little the truth of my children’s extraordinariness began to be revealed and my worldview changed forever. 

The “new kids on the block” also known as the “Children of Now” are highly evolved beings with exceptional gifts. They’re trying to wake us up to the truth of whom we are by stretching us in our thinking, expanding our viewpoint, and urging us inch by inch to step out of fear and stand in love.  Not always an easy feat however and many of these children are exhausted and frustrated.

“The New Kids on the Block” are highly sensitive, and intuitive.  What they hear is not what they feel, and they can detect deception.  If you’re like me, I had the idea that what was in my head was only known to me, and…I hate to admit this, I had so little control of my mind that I didn’t even know all the thoughts, many of them negative, in my own head.   We are amplifying like radio antennas and these children are receivers.  I started to wake up when, at three years old, my daughter told me, “I know when you think I’m annoying and don’t want me around.”  Ut oh!

We can no longer deny that there is more to life than meets the eye.  “Seeing is believing” is passé and we must understand that believing is seeing.  Currently we don’t have the technology to measure the subtle fields of energy or the high frequency biophysical energy fields that these new Children carry.  Today, from a scientific or medical standpoint, if it can’t be quantified then it must not exist, right?  But this is not the truth, and it’s time to trust our hearts and not our heads.

Metaphysics is merely just that, a study of everything outside of what science can measure.  Many people get freaked out about this subject, but if you’re a parent, caregiver, teacher, or work closely with children in anyway, I would urge you to read, Dr. Meg Blackburn Losey’s book, “The Children of Now”.  This book will help you understand that we can’t insist these kids fit into the tiny little boxes we’re so comfortable in.  Maybe you’re no longer comfortable trying to fit in, yearning to be real and authentic yourself, if so, just stretch and breath into the adventure of a lifetime!  I promise you, you won’t be sorry.


Eaglemoon Raes, is the mother of three, ages 19 to 6.  She can be reached at (860) 402-8116 or   For her calendar of events, including parenting workshops and support, please visit:  She has a book out called Mother Wife Visionary, Finding Love in the Rubble of Life






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