You're invited to Suzanne's Talks: (Suzanne's blog:
July 10 - Booksigning and Talk at Unity by the Bay, Severna Park MD. More Info
July 17 - Booksigning and Talk Castle Rock Center for Spiritual Living. More Info
Greetings from the Editor:
Summer Sun
Some of you already know I live in two places, Houston Texas and Castle Rock Colorado. Guess where I am right now? Yes, in Colorado where the weather is beautiful. What is it like living in two places? Most of the time it feels abundantly full and interesting. I like going where the weather is mild – Texas in the winter and Colorado in the summer. It can be confusing at times, however, remembering where items are in the kitchen or if there is even a certain item at this particular place. Or, I may want to wear something and realize the outfit is at the other house.
Most of the time it is exciting and full and keeps me a little off guard – I am told that not having a strict routine helps the brain stay young and not get into a rut. Then, what could be more fun than having grown children and grandkids at each location? What fun to have a whole set of friends at each place too and be a member of a church in each area. Living in two places keeps me on my toes and I get to live two lifetimes at the same time! Happy Summer.
Fortunate Blessings,
By Suzanne E. Harrill
Do you ever judge yourself for being judgmental towards another? Do you look back at actions, words, or thoughts you had in your younger years, or last week, and then criticize yourself? Have you ever felt ashamed that you can’t live your highest truth and value system at all times? Most of us, even when attempting to live the high road, do all of these things at times. If you determine transforming judgmentalness into acceptance is one of your goals, how do you move to a new place in consciousness?
the whole article)
By Eaglemoon Raes
“And the children shall lead us” isn’t that what the Bible has told us for ages? Can it be possible that this is actually what is happening in our world today? But how can we hear the children if we don’t know how to listen? How can we guide our children if we don’t know who we’re raising?
The books all seemed out-of-date, the “experts” often fell short in their advice, and little by little the truth of my children’s extraordinariness began to be revealed and my worldview changed forever.
the whole article)
By Suzanne E. Harrill
Affirmations to support self-esteem and spiritual growth
now available in monthly installments. From Seed Thoughts for
Loving Yourself, Cultivating the Garden of Your Mind Day by
the whole story)
by Denisa
You have heard spoken many times the importance of
Forgiveness…yet humanity has not truly understood
The symbol (forgiveness) nor the meaning
Of “do unto others”
the poetry)
By Story Waters
You are amazing. You are the creation of yourself. You are that which creates. You are the choice to experience existence – beingness. The only limit to what you can be is your self-belief and your imagination. To be born into this reality is to enter a wonderful, shared illusion that grants you complete free-will in the creation of your own personal reality; this is your creatorship. Within the illusion we believe that we are looking at a separate, objective world where we experience self and other; beneath this apparent separation we are unified; we are one...
the whole article)
By William M. Jump
What is most important in this life is your Spiritual evolution
“You’re not going to be happy if you don’t have your Soul right. The soul can’t be right if blocked off traumas are allowed to surface and triggers are allowed to play a role in creating bad life choices.” The quote comes from a high level Spiritual Guide of a former client. While utilizing hypnosis in the healing of childhood wounds, a realm of non-physical helpers emerged to guide me in the healing process.
As a psychotherapist, I have remained grounded in Dissociation theory because it provides the best explanation of the manifestations of childhood trauma. Direct communication with guides, helpers, protectors, and past life energies has also aligned me with a Spiritual Psychology, a perspective that combines psychological healing and spiritual growth...
(read the whole story)