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Health and Healing

Self-Care Tips

By Suzanne E. Harrill

On the journey to wholeness and learning to love and respect yourself, it important to take good care of yourself. The bottom line includes a daily routine of getting proper rest, eating healthy food, and movement that suits your personality. Add to this taking good care of your body, your teeth, hair, skin. It is nourishing to choose colors that you like for your clothing and home furnishings. Next, you need stimulation to be personally challenged to grow and have interest in life. You also need people with whom you can be close emotionally and with whom you share your journey. You need things to do that bring you pleasure and fun. Finally, you need a way to connect to yourself, such as daily meditation and contemplation.

A well-nourished self meets life filled up. You have more energy to participate and give, to meet your challenges, and to do the inner work and self-healing required to have high self-esteem, good relationships, and enjoyment of your life.

60 Ways to Nurture Myself:





Take a walk

Deep breathe and think, “I am calm and peaceful.”

Say an affirmation

Connect with Nature

Ride a bike

Share feelings about an experience with a friend

Read a book or magazine article

Concentrate on the flame of a candle

Soak in a hot bath, with candles and music

Listen to music you like

Express your thoughts & feelings in a journal


Do something creative

Sing or make sounds

Make a to do list


Stretch and move to music

Hug someone, ask for a hug

Write a poem

Talk to your guardian angel

Practice Yoga or Qigong

Pet your dog or cat

Write a letter

Listen to a guided meditation on YouTube

Take a course on line

Talk to someone by pre-tending they are facing you in an empty chair

Listen to tapes

Write about your spiritual purpose

Sit in the sun for 15 minutes

call a friend or relative

Email a friend

Visualize yourself in a peaceful place

Change one thing to improve your diet

Notice what you are feeling several times a day

List things you will do to improve your life

Do something of service for another or for your community

Watch birds and animals interact in nature

Write a letter to someone who has hurt you, but do not send it

Update negative beliefs that limit your life

Join a church group

Go swimming

Feel your fear and take a positive risk for change

Journal write daily about your reactions, thoughts and feelings for a month

Learn about a religion different from your own

Sit in a garden or park

Smile at a stranger and send them thoughts of peace, acceptance, joy

List your traits, needs and want

Study with a spiritual teacher

Take a nap

Affirm yourself daily

Make a list of short term and long-term goals

Study ancient, esoteric wisdom teachings

Get a massage

Watch children play; talk to your inner child in a loving, joyful way

Preview your day upon awakening, Review upon retiring

Practice unconditional love and forgiveness with self and others

Eat totally healthy for one day

Acknowledge yourself for accomplishments you are proud of

Work on your family tree

Practice a daily quiet time, routine to connect spiritually



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