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Suzanne E. Harrill, M.Ed.

Licensed Professional Counselor

Suzanne has a talent for helping others know and accept themselves, solve problems, build aware relationships, and grow in consciousness. She easily reflects acceptance and love to others, which encourages them to love and accept themselves. This she does through writing, counseling, and her art.

Her straightforward, “how to” approach wins high praise from adults on an active self-growth path. Besides being an intuitive and self-aware person, Suzanne is committed to communication and caring.

Suzanne’s life purpose includes asking exploratory questions to help others explore their answers which encourages inner healing and transformation. Her teachings emphasize that each person must discover their true Self (different from their conditioned self) and walk their own path to wholeness, building inner connectedness to the Oneness of all life. Suzanne encourages self-inquiry and inner work as the path to wholeness.

Connecting intimately to others is one of Suzanne’s needs and strengths. Building and maintaining good relationships are a high priority for her. Add creativity as one of her strengths. Suzanne sees herself as a secret agent for higher consciousness. When she is with another, whether in a counseling session or talking to a neighbor, her intuition is attuned to the other person noticing if a deeper place of connectedness is possible, leading to more enlightened relating.

Some of Suzanne’s favorite people are her three grown daughters and husband since 1966. She is a joyful grandmother who chooses to make a difference in their lives. Suzanne is blessed with a sister and some close friends who support and love her.

Check out Suzanne’s educational website, which has many free articles and 9 free e-books. Sign up for the free, on-line newsletter, The Innerwords Messenger, to spark the inner journey.

Contact Suzanne for private sessions.