Special Offer for December 2007

Seed Thoughts for Loving Yourself

by Suzanne E. Harrill

Cultivating the Garden of Your Mind
Day by Day

Daily affirmation e-book to build self-acceptance, self-esteem, and spiritual wholeness. Psychological and spiritual truths to help guide you on your inner journey whether new to self-discovery or a seasoned traveler. Foreword by renown author, John Randolph Price.

Includes Self-Esteem Awareness Inventory (self-test), Twelve Steps of AA revised for building self-esteem, and more. Concepts to build inner worth and boost spiritual growth are easy-to-understand and apply. A great book that reminds us of our innate goodness which helps us cultivate the garden of our lives.

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This is more than an affirmation/recovery book. It addresses a universal theme we all deal with - remembering and accepting our innate worth. Self-esteem is the foundation of your life and affects everything that you do and experience. How you feel about yourself affects your thinking, what you draw to you, and what you are able to create in your life. Updating your self-talk and guiding beliefs to higher truths produces better results in your future.

As you change your thinking it affects your habits, attitudes, and even behavior. Start by taking the Self-Esteem Awareness Inventory to give you feedback on areas affecting your esteem issues. Read the daily passages and repeat the affirmations over a span of a year and watch how you repattern how you think, feel, and behave. Empower yourself with these simple truths on a daily basis to transform your life and well-being.


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ISBN 1-883648-14-9


 Description: Complete Seed Thoughts for Loving Yourself

Special Price for December 2007 ONLY: $10.00

(Important Note: an e-book is a downloadable file.  After you purchase the e-book, you download the file and open it on your computer.  You read the e-book on your computer screen.  (Or you can print it on your printer.) It is NOT something that gets sent to you in the mail. Thus, after paying for an e-book, you must then keep going until you get to the page where you can download the e-book to your computer.)





Love Offerings and Tithes Appreciated
Send to seharrill@gmail.com

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