Greetings from the
Your Birthday Is a Great Time to Make Resolutions
We have gotten in the habit on New Year’s Eve to set resolutions or goals to initiate positive changes in our life style. It is common to hear myself say what many others do, “I chose to eat wiser, exercise more, and take note of and reduce stressors in my day.” Many jokingly say they don’t want to disappoint themselves so never make resolutions anymore.
Actually any day of the year is a great time to make a promise to yourself. Whenever you determine a change in attitude, a habit, or a pattern, it is in order to set an intention. Intentions move us in the direction of our goals. Why not spend a few moments with yourself right now to see where you might move in a more positive direction. Or, wait until your birthday.
Fortunate Blessings,
P.S. I began this newsletter in 2003. Since then I have written many articles. I am including 3 of my favorites:
The Choice: Divorce as an Escape or Completion
By Suzanne E. Harrill
Are You Already in the Right Place?
By Suzanne E. Harrill
If I Knew the Big Picture, I would Not Feel Like a Victim
By Suzanne E. Harrill
By Suzanne Harrill
My curiosity about life, wanting to understand human behavior, and desiring to solve my own problems led me to many wise teachers who showed me the way out of my limited perceptions of life. One such concept that significantly improved my experience of life was to use affirmations – positive words to counter negative conditioning. Affirmations can improve self-talk, refine beliefs, and change awareness and they did in my case with much determination through time. Affirmations are an important way to grow your world larger to include being emotionally healthy and strong...
the whole article)
By Jacqueline Shuler
By Reverend Cynthia James
the whole article)
By Suzanne E. Harrill
Affirmations to support self-esteem and spiritual growth
now available in monthly installments. From Seed Thoughts for
Loving Yourself, Cultivating the Garden of Your Mind Day by
the whole story)