feel my anger when it surfaces and use
its energy to make positive changes.
I stop fearing other people's anger.
If I feel scared and begin to take
responsibility for another's anger,
I stop and easily detach from taking
responsibility for another's anger.
I remember that angry people project onto
others when they feel powerless and
fearful, not taking responsibility for
their own emotional health.
I acknowledge my anger and process it
without blaming and hurting others.
Food is my friend and I thank the food
I eat
for nourishing and rebuilding my body.
I easily choose a wholesome diet including
a reasonable amount of sweets and
comfort foods.
I avoid extreme eating patterns: over-eating,
deprivation of food, fad diets, etc.
I listen to my body's cues which let me
know when I am hungry and when I am
I forgive myself for the times I do not listen,
simply vowing to begin anew eating food
that serves me.
I bless the food that I eat and let my body
process it for my highest good.