Vol 6, No. 5


"I listen to the awareness of my body today. My body gives me signals when something is off within myself, with other people, or in my environment. I slow down when I notice body cues, such as my stomach feeling tight or a headache, knowing there are messages here to decipher. I listen to the wisdom of my body’s awareness."

-- from Seed Thoughts for Loving Yourself
by Suzanne Harrill, M.Ed.


This Month's Issue:

Body Image: Ego or Transcendence

By Suzanne E. Harrill

Poetry - Ten Poems

By Barbara J Laing

Struggling For a Way to 'Just Get Over It'

By Gerald Hannon


by John Price


Enlighten Up

Suzanne E. Harrill

For over 25 years, Suzanne has facilitated the growth and awareness of many people through counseling, writing, teaching, and professional speaking. On a personal note, Suzanne has been married since 1966, has three grown daughters, and is a grandmother. She enjoys watercolor painting and creating original stained glass pieces.

Ebook (Revised Edition):
Empowering You to Love Yourself

Special Price
for October 2008 Only:

"Suzanne has created a practical, easy-to-read book to help you build a positive future. Those of you who understand the process of self-healing will use this book to fine tune your ability to change and help yourself live from a strong, internal place of awareness. There are many suggestions to help you get to the bottom of low self-esteem and powerful affirmations to help you build a positive founation for your life."
Jack Canfield, Co-author International Best Seller, Chicken Soup for the Soul.  (more)

 Reader Experience

What Are E-Books?

Greetings from the Editor:

Creative Updating

How exciting is it to improve on your own creative expression? Empowering You to Love Yourself, one of my earlier works, has been out of print for several years. Thanks to Amazon.com and their new kindle program (a handheld electronic gismo that you carry around and can download thousands of books), I am converting most of my books for them to sell.

What better opportunity, but for me to revise the book? The new and improved, revised edition of Empowering Your to Love Yourself is now available on my website too. Check it out in my e-book store. With my e-books, you can read them on your computer screen or print them out with your printer.

Take a look at your own life now. Do you have any unfinished, creative projects? Maybe you have an idea for a book. Is there a painting in your home which you never really liked the mat color or the frame? Have you been meaning to refinish a piece of furniture? It may be time to use your own creativity and begin, finish, or update a project. It feels great to express yourself and follow through on one of your ideas. Try it.

Fortunate Blessings,




Personal Growth

Body Image: Ego or Transcendence

By Suzanne E. Harrill

How is your relationship with your body? Are you dissatisfied with the way you look? Do you secretly or openly say you want your body to be different? Maybe you criticize your complexion, hair, or the shape of your body? Maybe you weigh more than you did a couple of years ago, have to constantly watch the scale to maintain your current weight, or are at the other end of the continuum wanting to gain weight?

Let us delve deeper to explore how we live our lives and can view our bodies differently. It is important, if you really want to love and accept yourself, to look at more than the physical aspects of yourself. Let us look at our lives and bodies from the perspective of the ego verses the higher Self...

(read the article)



Special Offer

October Seed Thoughts for Loving Yourself

By Suzanne E. Harrill

MONTHLY ON LINE AFFIRMATIONS.  Affirmations to support self-esteem and spiritual growth now available in monthly installments. From Seed Thoughts for Loving Yourself, Cultivating the Garden of Your Mind Day by Day.

(read the whole story)




Ten Poems

By Barbara J Laing


 (read the article)



Personal Growth


by John Price

While thumbing through some Ageless Wisdom texts recently, I was surprised to see that one of the exercises taught by the Masters was to act as if to bring firmness to the mental and emotional bodies and insure manifestation. It made me think of the old adage to "fake it until you make it," which I hadn't considered a spiritual activity.

As I contemplated the instruction I began to see how it worked. Yes, of course. Energy follows thought. Therefore, this wasn't a make-believe game. It was developing a self-fulfilling prophecy-a way of conditioning consciousness to the activity of Truth...

(read the whole article)



Struggling For a Way to 'Just Get Over It'

By Gerald Hannon

We all know that life can change in a flicker, that we live but a glance or shrug or step away from horror or from bliss - yet we're blithely secure in our ordinary lives, where nothing really wonderful and nothing really horrible ever happens. Then, the day comes. It came for thousands, on Sept. 11, 2001. It comes regularly for soldiers on the battlefield. It came this past horrific Wednesday for more than 30 bus passengers travelling between Edmonton and Winnipeg...

(read the whole article)


Enlighten Up   --    Humor

Mensa Convention

Sweet Nothings...

Funny Quotes

(read the Humor)


Life Mastery Unlimited
by Cheyenne Morgan

Baby Pictures
submitted by Marle Creer

 (read the Goodies)



Love Offerings and Tithes Appreciated
Send to seharrill@gmail.com

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