Vol 6, No. 4


"I expand my awareness daily on the journey of enlightenment. I enjoy the degree of enlightenment I experience right now and see it continuing. I move forward with greater realizations today and share with others a step behind me on the path, the light that I now possess."

-- from Seed Thoughts for Loving Yourself
by Suzanne Harrill, M.Ed.


This Month's Issue:


By Suzanne E. Harrill

Poetry - Three Poets

by Dana Faulds,  Paul Ferrini,  Domenic Tamborriello

Chiropractic Care is Not Just for People

By Dr. Andi Harper

Stay Focused on the Light

by Patricia Diane Cota-Robles


Enlighten Up

Suzanne E. Harrill

For over 25 years, Suzanne has facilitated the growth and awareness of many people through counseling, writing, teaching, and professional speaking. On a personal note, Suzanne has been married since 1966, has three grown daughters, and is a grandmother. She enjoys watercolor painting and creating original stained glass pieces.

Inner Fitness For Creating a Better You

An inspiring and easy-to-understand course for self-study or for a group leader to facilitate groups.

Usually $24.95 each

Special Price for Aug. 2008 Only
(plus shipping)

Also available as an ebook for $10

 Sample Page



Six Lessons for Building Greater Awareness, High Self-Esteem, Good Relationships, and Spiritual Meaning

Inner Fitness is an inspiring, easy-to-use course for self-study or for leaders facilitating groups. Full of helpful exercises for self-discovery and esteem-building handouts, the manual quickly builds awareness and encourages positive life changes. The simple text and exercises help people get to the heart of most problems, building a solid foundation of sound self-esteem.

See yourself like an acorn growing into your full-potential Self once the proper nutrients are available; such as, self-nurturing, awareness, and expressing your feelings. Get to the bottom of many problems by updating destructive guiding beliefs, looking at the influence of the family of origin, and the importance of taking full responsibility for changing your life. Add to this, practical information to understand and build good relationships and improve communication. Other topics also included: the power of using affirmations and journal writing, discussing and healing codependency, dealing with life when it does not go your way, and learning how to find deeper meaning and purpose.

Included in the appendix is a deck of relationship building cards to help couples build greater intimacy. To assist one facilitating a group, there are one-page directions at the beginning of each lesson explaining how to use the worksheets and which ones to copy. This course is full of helpful information if you are interested in changing your relationship with yourself and others. Learn how to create a better you.

Greetings from the Editor:

Eckhard Tolle’s Book, A New Earth, Awakening to Your Life’s Purpose

There comes a book every now and then that grabs me and I feel it’s special significance. This is true of, A New Earth, Awakening to Your Life’s Purpose. When I began reading it, I would say to myself, "Yes, I understand that" or "True" or "This is a nice summary of my knowing," I kept reading, however, and found some pleasant surprises, as Tolle pushed me further to grow in consciousness. Needless to say, Oprah was right. She believes this is an important book and chose it for one of her book club selections. I also recommended this book whether you have been on the awakening journey a while or are a seasoned traveler.

Fortunate Blessings,




Personal Growth


By Suzanne E. Harrill

Enlightenment, a term more common in the eastern world rather than the western, describes an awakened spiritual state of consciousness where one is liberated from the illusions of the 3-dimensional world, freed from the limitations of physical, emotional, and mental pain and suffering based on attachment. One is released from the bondage of desire and attachment to people, things, beliefs, achievements, etc., experiencing an expanded state of oneness with the whole of creation. Other names to describe this expanded state of awareness where the meaning and purpose of life is understood is Christ Consciousness, Cosmic Consciousness, or God Realization.

(read the article)


Special Offer

August Seed Thoughts for Loving Yourself

By Suzanne E. Harrill

MONTHLY ON LINE AFFIRMATIONS.  Affirmations to support self-esteem and spiritual growth now available in monthly installments. From Seed Thoughts for Loving Yourself, Cultivating the Garden of Your Mind Day by Day.

(read the whole story)



Three Poets

Allow by Dana Faulds

Forgiveness helps us to Release the Past by Paul Ferrini

Warrior by Domenic Tamborriello

 (read the article)



Chiropractic Care is Not Just for People

By Dr. Andi Harper

I received a call to set up an appointment for a 10 year old Bassett hound, named Raisin, as she was having a lot of pain in her back. Her veterinarian recommended that she have a chiropractic adjustment. Raisin’s owner had never heard of such a thing but trusted her vet and wanted Raisin to feel better and wished her dog would act like her old self as soon as possible. We set the appointment and I met a very sweet and painful Raisin two days later.

It was a low point when the dog’s owner called a new vet, a mobile service, believing it would be to put her beloved Bassett hound "to sleep." She couldn’t handle seeing Raisin in so much pain and her regular vet offered only one option. That option was an MRI to first diagnose the location of the problem and then surgery, which would have totaled about $10,000. Even though Raisin was loved very much, the price tag was just too much for Raisin’s owner to consider.

(read the whole article)


Personal Growth


by Patricia Diane Cota-Robles

During this auspicious time, the Beings of Light are consistently imploring us to stay focused on the Light. Even in the face of seeming adversity, it is vital that we use our thoughts, words, feelings and actions to empower what we want to manifest in our lives and in the world. If we focus the power of our attention on our fears and the negativity that is being pushed to the surface to be healed and transmuted into Light, we will empower and sustain the very things we are trying to eliminate on this planet.

Know that with every thought, word, feeling and action you are either adding to the Light of the world or the shadows. Be cognizant of this Truth, and monitor the focus of your attention moment by moment.

In order to inspire you to keep on keeping on, I would like to share with you once again how critical mass affects our ability to change our lives.

(read the whole article)


Enlighten Up   --    Humor

  • Water Leak

  • Good Old Dave

  • Paradox of Law

  • Secretary of the Navy

(read the Humor)



  • Celebrate What's Right With The World


(read the Goodies)



Love Offerings and Tithes Appreciated
Send to seharrill@gmail.com

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