

by Swami Beyondananda

Dear Friends:

At a time when human and planetary problems seem to be multiplying geometrically, the message to humanity is coming clear: Shift or get off the pot!

Fortunately, just as the caterpillar organism is deconstructing before our very eyes, the butterfly's imaginal cells are connecting to form humanity's new flying machine. Will we achieve critical mass before we reach critical massacre? To quote Willie Mays, that's what we're going to play the game to find out.

One of the great allies we have in this shift and awakening is the Institute of Noetic Sciences (IONS). Founded more than 30 years ago by astronaut Edgar Mitchell who had an epiphany as he watched our planet from space, IONS has evolved into the leading "new edge" organization for weaving new science and ancient wisdom, and applying integrated awareness in our world.

I've been closely affiliated with IONS this year, with Swami's column appearing in their monthly I-Shift newsletter, and through Swami's appearance at their conference in Palm Springs this past August ("I love being in front of IONS people -- you all seem so positively charged."). While Swami has always appreciated the contribution IONS makes, this month he has become really animated in his support. And I mean that literally.

Joining other IONS boosters like Edgar Mitchell, Marianne Williamson, Van Jones, Deepak Chopra and Marilyn Schlitz, Swami voices his support in a One Minute Shift animation below. The Swami really enjoyed himself in the realm of cartoon, finding he has magical powers there that he cannot access in this world of dense physical matter.

So, enjoy the animation, share it with your friends, and become part of the Shift community this year. Yes, shift happens. But each of us has to upshift our own karma into surpassing gear.

View ONE MINUTE SHIFT animation here.





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