

By Suzanne E. Harrill

Twenty-five years ago I received a touching gift from my high school creative writing teacher, Mary Boyle. Believe it or not, she saved three of my poems. I can see now that there was a deeper potential for writing that this fine teacher recognized. It was not until the age of 35 when I received the poems that I could appreciate them. Nothing else written at this stage in my life was saved. I share them with you now "Selections," along with my teacher’s endearing comments. Enjoy.



By Suzanne Shaw



And face the light.

Your back now hides the darkness,

Encouraging new life.

To turn back

Would be

To prove Defeat.


The Cure

Lend your strong heart

To one whose life needs strength,

Just until a scar is formed.



He now says good-bye,

Without pity, love, or hate

To her quiet cry.


Dear Suzanne,

How fine these are! "The cure" sums it up so well -- and the idea of the scar is excellent, and most original.

It strikes me that "Termination" is an accurate portrayal of many relationships. How well you say it!






Love Offerings and Tithes Appreciated
Send to seharrill@gmail.com

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