


The powerful messages of the song "I’m A Person," composed by David Giller, continue to energize classrooms and homes throughout the Country, positively affecting the lives of children, parents and teachers. The song is part of the "I’m A Person" Self-esteem Mini-Kit, a mighty little package containing essential ingredients that foster human dignity…vital to achieving one’s fullest potential. Founders of the "I’m A Person" Project are determined to bring this kit to every child…in every community across America.

New York, NY…The "I’m A Person" song and mini-kit has been released nationwide, bringing its important messages to parents and schools. Experts agree this positive-reinforcement tool increases children’s creativity and higher achievement, improves relationships, and promotes a healthier understanding of self and others. Thousands of children are singing "I’m an ever-loving, thinking-feeling, peaceful-going, real-live person," as the rhythms and message of the song ignite the spirit of the dignity and respect that is the right of every person.

The "I'm A Person" Self-esteem Mini-Kit was created as a response to the overwhelming interest expressed by parents, teachers and schools, as they experienced the benefits of working with the "I'm A Person" song in their classrooms and homes. According to South Bronx Elementary School Teacher, Sharon Prichard, who has been teaching for over 40 years, "You can tell a person a million times how special they are, but when they sing the song "I’m A Person," they feel it in their soul." Disney Teacher of the Year, Dara Feldman, expresses her enthusiasm, "I truly believe that this song will have a lifelong positive effect on their being and learning!" You can hear the song and what children and parents are saying on the web site

Studies reveal that building self-esteem, starting with young children, can go a long way in addressing many of today’s pressing challenges, such as bullying, risky behavior, huge drop out rates and obesity.

Recognizing the importance of inspiring the greatest potential in children, "I’m A Person" Project Founders, Helene Abrams and David Giller, have created a multifaceted approach for bringing the "I’m A Person" program into communities around the country. With a goal of making this program available for every child, they are establishing partnerships with organizations, corporations, philanthropists and parents groups.

For additional information, contact Faye C. Feller or visit

The "I’m A Person" Project is committed to making a difference by providing a broad spectrum of innovative products, inspiring and motivating programs for communities, and new media.


Faye C. Feller, Programs / Media

I’m A Person, Inc.







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