
It is said.. .

You are Not All of God, but God is All of You

by John Price

Ponder this simplified version of the Cosmic Process: The Universal Spirit of God expresses as our indwelling Spirit, conscious of Itself as the sum-total of all energies--God--and Mindful of Itself as our Divine Consciousness. So the first part of our constitution is complete. God being. Now comes the second step, the expression of Spirit in the third-dimensional realm as our soul, which is our individual awareness, understanding and knowledge of Spirit and the instrument through which Spirit expresses in the external world. Still all God. Now the soul," in its awareness of its God-Self, radiates lines of force. These lines of force govern electrons--the electrical charges whirling around the nucleus of atoms--and cause atoms to cluster in an energy field as a Light Body. This energy then appears as cells, tissue, organs, bones, the blood stream and other aspects of the physical system. There is perfection, still all God.

But somewhere along the line in aeons past we became mesmerized by the external world of form, causing a shade to partially cover the Light of the soul with beliefs that were contrary to Truth. Now we get down to the nitty-gritty of life in a material world: "It is done to you as you have believed." (Matthew 8: 13) That's it.

Everything that happens to us is based on what we believe about God, ourselves, and this world. There are no exceptions. Our entire future is tied up in the tangle of our belief system. No outside force is at work here.

Look at your beliefs for a moment. Go deep inside for honest answers.

1. I believe that God rewards or punishes me for my thoughts, words, and actions. ( ) True ( ) False

2. I believe the material world has an effect on my health and well-being. ( ) True ( ) False

3. I believe I am worthy of financial abundance, and am entitled to it by divine right. ( > True ( ) False

4. I believe I have the magnetic attraction to bring the ideal mate, partner or friend to me. ( > True ( ) False

5. 1 believe that I am destined for great success in my lifetime. ( > True ( ) False

Now write down other activities, happenings and experiences that are part of your hopes, wishes and dreams. Will they be realized, made manifest? What do you truly believe? And remember that belief in this context means conviction. It is done to us based on your convictions.

At this point let's pause for a moment and examine beliefs. What we think we believe comes from our conscious masculine head-mind. What we really believe is in the feminine heart-mind where the power is. It is from the feeling nature that convictions arise. Now go back to the five true and false statements.

In statement number one, could there be a feeling, a subconscious belief that there is a universal " somethingM--God, karma, whatever--that rewards or punishes? If you truly believe that, the punishing cycle will be the overriding factor and will play itself out with certainty.

In Lesson 6 of The Jesus Code, we read: In spiritual consciousness there is only Mind and manifestation as one in spirit without the perception of reward and punishment. In spiritual consciousness, Spirit as Cause expresses Itself as eflect in harmonious action without a concept of justice. In truth, you've never done anything in your entire life that God would pass sentence on as good or bad. It doesn't judge Itself.

Look at statement number two again. If you feel, are convinced, that you are vulnerable to outside forces, then you will be. Absolutely no question about it. Think about how you feel about winter colds, allergies, certain foods, possible disabilities from aging etc. Now bring your attention to the Spirit-Soul-Body triangle of Truth. Nothing on earth can interrupt the natural process of perfection and divine order--unless you believe otherwise. Let the kingdom, power, and glory of your individual being outweigh those false beliefs. Statement number three: Can we not unlock the prison door of insufficiency and walk out into the sunshine of abundance? Maybe we have an imprint of "not enough" from childhood, but why on earth would we want to keep nourishing it? Go back in time and rewrite that script and feel and hear only a new song of plenty, plenty, plenty. If you're truly dedicated to healing the past, the old beliefs will be cancelled out.

Statement number four: If you're searching for a loving, meaningful relationship but don't feel, truly believe, that you are not capable of having one, then guess what. He or she will walk the other way when all the time the will-love purpose in the soul's domain was radiating those magnetic energies. But it is done to us as we believe. Begin now to love yourself more. Fill your heart-mind with love and let it pour out unconditionally to one and all. Be the Light of Love and let the false beliefs be burned away by the holy fire.

Statement number five: Millions of people all over the world are looking for work, not even considering true place success as a goal. Same thing for others who are working just to put bread on the table, not realizing that great and grand success is the divine intention. Let's wake up and see through Spirit's eyes, know through the soul's purpose in life and feel through the heart that there is nothing we cannot do, be and have. The proof comes when we are convinced of this.

Look at your other "issues." What are you believing about them? They are all self-created and have'nothing to do with anyone or any situation "out there." Isn't it time to laugh at ourselves and toss out what we've written for that chapter in our lives? Now let's go back to the title of this article: You are not all of God, hut God is all of you. Perhaps we can intellectually believe this (head-mind), but that's not enough. We must feel the Truth of our Identity with every fiber of our being, and this is where meditation comes in to help us realize the Holy Presence that we are, and make a conscious unification with the Truth of our Being.

I'm not talking about thinking about God. We can spend hours doing that and we come back into this world with the same belief system. I'm talking about feeling the Presence of God as our very selfhood. I've written about this in my books--the feeling of someone standing behind us, the auric pulsations we experience when we move deeply into our heart center, the vision of light from the inner eye, the enveloping vibration of God's love, the still small voice of divine guidance.

As we pause in thought and let the Holiness we are make Itself known, we realize that we are not "human" beings. We are the pure Essence of God, and as we live this Identity, the old false beliefs begin to dissolve. And as I've said before, the identity we live is the identity we experience. Living the Identity of a Spiritual Being we begin to understand the Truth of the Divine Process. We are not here to suffer, to atone for anything, to be a victim, or to be denied the real fruits of the Garden. We are here to live the ideal life of joyous well-being because wholeness is the natural order. We are here to enjoy abundant prosperity because that is the divine will. We are here to love and be loved in many splendored ways because that's the heavenly decree. And we're here to move mountains and achieve spectacular success because that's the law of Being.

Let's begin this day to recognize the Mantle of God we're wearing, assume our True Identity, and go forth onto the stage of life to play out parts perfectly.  


John Randolph Price is an internationally known lecturer and bestselling author. of eighteen nonfiction books: The Angels Within Us, Angel Energy, Living a Life of Joy, The Superbeings published by Ballantine/Random House. Published byHay House are The Abundance Book, The Alchemist's Handbook, Empowerment, The Jesus Code, The Love Book, The Meditation Book, Practical Spirituality, A Spiritual Philosophy for the New World, The Success Book, The Superbeings (trade edition), The Wellness Book, With Wings As Eagles, The Workbook for Self-Mastery (formerly titled The Planetary Commission), Removing the Masks That Bind Us, and Nothing Is Too Good To Be True. His books, published in many languages, have sold in the millions. Visit his website: www.Johnrandolphprice.com

This article is republished from the Quartus Report, December, 2006. John and his wife started the Quartus Foundation in 1981. The Word "Quartus" denotes the four-square aspect of each individual: Spiritual, Mental, Emotional, and Physical. The foundation is a research and communications organization with the stated purpose of probing the mysteries of Ageless Wisdom and integrating those interminable truths with spiritual metaphysics. By combining the dynamics of mind with the unlimited potential of universal laws, the ancient principle of energy follows thought is confirmed. With this understanding as a key, a door opens to a new philosophy of life that is both practical and rewarding.

John and Jan Price are also the founders of World Healing Day which originated on December 31, 1986

To Learn more about Quartus visit their web site: www.quartus.org






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