Suzanne Says

Questions & Answers

August 2006

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Question: I am a fifth grade teacher and will quit my job at the end of this coming year to attend graduate school to become a counselor. Over the years I have done a lot of personal growth work, yet I find my negative thinking surfaces too often, especially in relationship to this job. I do not like the administration at my school and dread going to work. I still have to finish this coming year and need a boost to do a good job. I owe it to the school children to get myself on track. Please give me some affirmations to help.


Answer: Yes, you are wise to get yourself on track. Here are some affirmations to get you started. See if you can write some of your own.

As a reminder, say the affirmations several times a day, out loud when you can. Choose one to emphasize each and say it many times. Write it down on paper ten times, as that adds power to making it yours. Listen to your own negative comments and create your own affirmations. Over time you will automatically hear your own voice overriding the negative self-talk each time it comes up.

Upon awakening, I preview my day to see where the glitches are. I visualize myself handling them well.

I have all the resources to handle whatever comes up today and know I will do my best to meet any current challenges.

I know I am a good person no matter what others may think.

I am a great teacher and the kids love me.

I value the skills I have learned over time to be a good teacher, like being child-centered instead of people-pleasing to the administration. I know how to support children to be children.

I take some quiet time each day to focus on myself in order to transform the things I do not like in my personality, like being defensive and trying to be perfect.

I give up trying to have the administration understand me.

I balance myself before going to work by eating healthy foods that nourish my body and moving, stretching, or exercising so my body feels relaxed and calm.

I am nearing completion with teaching children in the public school system and acknowledge myself for becoming an excellent teacher.

I love my students and my students love me.

I easily and effortlessly do the busy-work so I can impact and lead my students in a positive direction.

I am proud of myself for preparing myself for a new future. I know I will grow into a confident, competent therapist.

I focus on the good things in my day and end my day with feelings of gratitude.

I joyfully allow life to guide me to new places with experiences to broaden my horizons.

I love myself and am my own best friend.






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