
Emotional Mind Hooks

By Gary Bate

Let me start by making a bold statement here. It is the molecules of emotion bathing your body cells (via neuro-peptides, hormones and steroids in your blood stream) that are causing disease and ageing in your body. Unless this situation is addressed you will remain on a 'time line' towards the eventual death of your body.

These molecules of emotion are present in your body because of Psychological Stress (please see my article on this) and your own misconceived conclusions from past events. In other words, the events may have passed but you are still running them as emotions in your mind and body because you haven't OWNED them as wisdom.

All that a master teacher can do is give you knowledge and disciplines that will lead you into your own 'inner circle'. If you don't 'get it' or you don't 'realise' the wisdom or you choose not to OWN it by seeking comfort in your past; then that does not fault the master teacher but is evidence that they respect your free will to engage or not to engage them.

I am hereby going to give you a simple exercise that, if you do it, it will propel you forward in your evolution.

Step 1

The first thing I want you to do is to find some quiet time on your own where you will not be disturbed. Get a pen and paper in readiness for step 2.

Step 2

Write down every emotion you currently experience in your everyday life. Below I have given you a checklist but it is important that you write your own list and NAME each emotion 'out loud' as you write it down. If you are unsure about any on the checklist then close your eyes, ask the question and contemplate upon that emotion. You'll soon know whether it's a part of your psyche or not!

Anger, jealousy, envy, bitterness, regret, feeling lost, lonely, sad, guilt, doubt, betrayal, rejection, hurt, aggressive, depressed, fearful, anxious, upset, inadequate, unworthy, shameful, feeling used and /or abused, sympathy, feeling sorry, compassion, feeling responsible for other grown-ups (even if they are your relations), shyness, embarrassment, impatience. Have I missed anything?

Step 3

Add up all of the emotions that you suffer from and arrange them on another piece of paper in the form of a wheel with spokes, naming each emotion in a box at the end of each spoke and leaving a 'free space' in the hub of the wheel.

Step 4

Study your wheel, acquaint yourself with it, name your emotions again and be able to picture your wheel with your eyes closed - this is very important to the process. Please do not go any further until you have mastered this.

Step 5

In your own time, close your eyes and see your wheel with all of your emotions. You can picture a fairground wheel if you wish with all your emotions sitting in the chairs! With your eyes still closed, what you are now looking for is your Emotional Mind-Hook that is hooking you into your emotional responses and you are looking to name it in that 'free space' at the hub of your wheel.

What part of your psyche is hooking you up to all of those emotions? WHAT IS IT? Is it more than one aspect of your personality? Stay in deep contemplation and seek to NAME it and place it at the centre of your wheel. It is not enough to just think about it because you will only come up with another 'surface' emotion. You MUST go into deep contemplation with your eyes closed and stay with it until you get the answers.

Step 6

Did you fill the space? If not, here are a few probabilities that you may not have considered through your own contemplation. Take each one at a time, close your eyes and place the word at the centre of your wheel and contemplate upon it to see if it fits in with you.

Control, acceptance, approval, assumed responsibility, praise, self-importance, insecurity, victim, know all, liar, cheat, sexual predator, sexual prey, compromise, bully, manipulation, revenge, competitive, hostile, tyrannical, domineering, argumentative, submissive, ridicule, intolerance. Have I missed anything?

All of these Emotional Mind-Hooks are just symptoms of a lack of self-love and very apparent in the human condition otherwise we wouldn't be human!! They are all merely illusional experiences and collectively they represent the FAKE aspects of us. What is REAL in us becomes known when we 'pull the plug' on these illusions. So the hook is the reason for the emotion, it is the cause and the emotions are the symptoms.

Step 7

Now that you are aware of your Emotional Mind-Hooks it is now time to float your past down the river. Close your eyes and picture a black box, a shoebox or something like that. Put a slit in the lid big enough to put folded pieces of paper in. Get a pad of paper in your mind and one by one, write each emotion on a separate piece of paper and put your name on it. One by one, fold each sheet and put them in your box. When you've finished, in big letters, write the word DEMONS on the outside of your box. Now take your box to the riverbank and float it down the river. As you see it disappear out of view, repeat slowly the following affirmation, 3 times: - I am no longer my past - my past in no more. My demons have gone - they are no longer a part of me.

Step 8

Well done! From this moment forth, every time you experience an emotion, name it, find its hook and challenge it, then box it up and float it down the river. And remember to say the affirmation as it floats out of your life. What is 'in error' with us is what is 'unnamed' in us. To heal we firstly have to reveal.



Gary Bate is an author and a graduate of the school of life. He worked in industry for most of his life, was the chief executive of a publishing and advertising company, and now works as a holistic therapist doing both physical therapies and online counseling. In essence, Gary’s whole life is focused on the quest to know himself better and he has one goal in life -- to become the best that he can be. In his eyes this means becoming a Christ; because his understanding is - Christ consciousness is the ultimate in self-development, self-empowerment and self-mastery.

Gary has spent many years in private practice working as a Holistic Therapist doing both physical and mind therapy work for clients of all ages. About two thirds of his work has involved mental health counseling services for Bereavement, Stress, Anxiety and Depression; as well as Weight Management and all the various manifestations.

Gary’s book, Becoming a Christ, was written to provoke thought in the reader to help each on the journey through life. It is available through Amazon and also from Gary’s website

The 20 free articles that appear on the website are taken from Part 4 of the book and give the reader a taste of the book. 






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