Vol 1, No. 3


bonds hearts.
open doors.

-- American Zen Saying
by Suzanne E. Harrill


This Month's Issue:

The Antidote for the Holiday Blues

By Suzanne E. Harrill

There is Nothing to Fear But Fear Itself. Ha!

By Leanne Pollock

Pigs Don’t Bark!

By Rob Cross

Finding The Joy In Your Universe

By Vidya Ishaya

Questions & Answers

Enlighten Up

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Greetings from the Editor:

When the trick-or-treaters arrived, it signaled to me that again the holiday season is in sight. Here in the United States, the holiday season lasts a long time — five, sometimes six weeks, starting with Thanksgiving (last Thursday in November) and ending with New Year’s day. Whether one celebrates Christmas as a religious holiday or not, the culture as a whole acts differently. Most break from their usual routines, smile more, and think about giving to others.

This holiday-time of year is a joyful one for many with reconnections to family and friends, a break from school or work, and the anticipation of a new beginning on New Year’s Day. For others, I know, it is not something to look forward to and brings up unhappy memories. Some of us have too few good memories of the holidays and it clouds the positive, creative possibilities.

Either way, when the season wears thin and you feel stressed, it is important to remember two things: 1. Practice self-care, and 2. Exercise your creative power of choice. A well-nourished self finds it easier to stay aware and make wise choices that support self, as well as, others.

You have the power to influence how much and in which ways you experience the holidays. I encourage you to do as I do at this time of year, to be a detective to heal myself further. I take time for inner work and finding spiritual meaning, and I pay special attention when people or events trigger me. Oh, goodie, more opportunities for growth!

This leads us to the first article reminding us how to manage and positively influence our experiences during this season.

Fortunate blessings,


Self Awareness

The Antidote for the Holiday Blues

By Suzanne E. Harrill

Plan Ahead for the Holidays! This attention-getter ad headline was recently in the newspaper for a travel agency. Instead of planning ahead for an exotic trip, my wish is to inspire you to plan ahead for your own well-being during the coming holiday season. This time of year is a mixed bag of fun, anticipation, and connectedness, as well as obligations, loneliness, and stress. Let’s look at some of the ways we get led astray from our own inner peace and remember the antidote for the holiday blues is to continue our enlightened practices in order to have a great holiday...

(read the whole article)


There is Nothing to Fear But Fear Itself. Ha!

By Leanne Pollock

I now agree with the quote by Roosevelt, "There is nothing to fear but fear itself," and it has been a long process to not let my fears run my life. Some people learn their lessons in the workplace while others learn from their primary relationships. My life lessons have been, and still are, learned through health issues. I am an expert on fear and my journey has taken me to the depths where I wallow in fear. I know how to bathe, drink, and drown in it. My journey has also taken me to the heights of spiritual bliss and when I am in that place I know there is nothing to fear.

Let me share a little about myself and my journey...

(read the whole article)


Pigs Don’t Bark!

By Rob Cross       

….And the sky is blue. And oh, by the way, your partner is Exactly who they are, regardless of how you feel about it!

In relationships, our fighting our partner is like fighting the sky’s blue-ness! The illusion we create is this: "I’m upset because of who they are or with what they did". But the reality of it is, our upset has nothing to do with TREM….and everything to do with our FIGHTING who they are or what they did! Here’s the good news we just don’t want to hear...

(read the whole article)

Suzanne Says

Questions & Answers

Question: I am totally confused. My wife and I are from a different country. I have been here 11 years and she moved here when we got married 2 years ago. We fight about one thing over and over. I don’t know what I am doing wrong. My wife does not like me to be around other women, even if it is a professional setting. I currently signed up to start guitar lessons from a female teacher that a close friend highly recommends...

(read the whole article)

Man and Woman

By Lisa Finlayson   

You are the flesh that clothes my spirit
I am the spirit that fills your flesh
You are the cloud that hovers over my earth
You rain down and I give birth
To the fruit of the land and the rolling green hills
My spirit you clothe
Your flesh I fill

This poem was born from the revelation that my husband's talent for being financially and materially conscious and my talent for being spiritually conscious do not have to be a source of conflict. I know the different perspectives have the potential to benefit us.

Evolutionary Theory through the Eyes of a Monarch

By: Randy Harrill    

"Today I'm bound for Mexico," the Monarch said to me

"Of course you are," was my reply, "and I'm winning the lottery." He seemed half serious, and so I thought, I'd better tell him why Mexico is not within the range of a Free State butterfly...

(read the whole story)

Enlighten Up


  • Sunday School Discussion


(read the funnies)

Spiritual Growth

Finding The Joy In Your Universe

By Vidya Ishaya      

Did you ever see little children playing in a sandbox or on the beach? They create wonderful castles, great monuments, roads and aqueducts between cities in their sandbox. They create their own worlds of sand.

But then with glee and hand-clapping, they kick their castles to dust, destroy their roads, eliminate their aqueducts and start all over again with nothing but a blank pile of sand, happily creating another universe. Can you imagine a child stressing out because the sand palace starts to erode as the waves come to chip away at it?

(read the whole article)


Inner Fitness Self-Discovery Group
Wednesdays 12 Noon - 1:00   cost $100/month (4 sessions)   call 713-661-8284

Inner Fitness: A Time for Renewal, Nurturing, and Creativity -- presented at Texas Association for Marriage & Family Therapy conference, Sat. Jan 17   Adams Mark Hotel, Houston.


Love Offerings and Tithes Appreciated
Send to seharrill@gmail.com

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