by Vicky Jeter
Written in honor of my
beloved friend:
Please my friend, my love take care,
for I cannot "know" what you need--
What gives?. . as your smile shines,
when all the while your insides bleed.
I will be there for you every day;
let all happenstance be kept at bay.
But of the Shadow
we must dare constant speak--
we can ill afford these secrets keep.
For in "our times" of war and crime,
a new day has, doubtless, dawned
for common Wo/Man to come 'round again
to hearth and home and . . . trust . .
And of the Corporate rat-race track,
and of email-paced relations --
let Cancer, Stroke and Heart Attack
shine illumined revelation . . .
Let us sleep long and sound;
let us eat well and round;
let us raise our children
Let neighbors reclaim
"the front porch swing,"
and if short-sight misunderstands,
remember us to the simplest Psalm:
"Love is patient; love is kind. . ."
But let us recall especially now
that above all of this
love takes time.