Question: My life is a mess and I
do not know how to begin helping myself. My husband just left
and no longer supports me financially. Also I crushed my hand
under the garage door recently which prevents me from getting a
secretarial job. The only thing I am really good at is using my
spiritual and intuitive gifts to listen and help others which
does not pay bills. Unfortunately I can not hear my intuition at
this time to help myself. I want to do life better but do not
know how. Sincerely, Gail.
Answer: You did a good job
expressing your current problems. When you admit you need help
and want to do things differently, believe it or not, things
begin happening. Thoughts are powerful, so what you focus your
mind on draws experiences to you.
You need emotional support at this time as
you learn new pathways for creating a new life. If you do not
have family and friends close by, interim help can be found in
local churches or the mental health association in your
community. I encourage you to take the risk to let either one
know you need help and do not even know the basics on getting
food or shelter. Compassionate people are everywhere and need to
know you need help.
When we are going through a death experience
(in this case the death of a relationship), the good news is
that there is a rebirth just around the corner. When we overcome
our fear, even for a few moments at first, it allows our
creativity and inner guidance to come forth.
To support your inner work, it is helpful to
repeat a healing treatment with words of affirmation. This gives
you a new program for your subconscious mind replacing negative
thinking and beliefs with positive ones, giving you a new
direction in which to grow. When we talk to ourselves in the
present tense with affirmations and use our imagination to
visualize this reality with feeling, it sets a new pattern and
direction for our life.
Following is a set of affirmations, or
healing treatment that may work for you. Adapt it to what feels
right for you and use words that you normally use.
Healing Affirmation Treatment for Gail:
In silence I allow Divine Love to nourish and
fill me up spiritually in order to take care of myself
physically and emotionally. As I follow my inner guidance, I
easily can handle the details of my life.
I begin the journey of self-sufficiency by
focusing my mind to find work that provides for my basic needs
of food and shelter. I attract a simple job that allows me to
easily provide for myself.
As I open myself to heal and forgive past
hurts, I have energy available for self-care. I am energized by
focusing on the present moment and acknowledging what is good in
my life.
I am in charge of my life and I take full
responsibility for creating my life the way I want it.
I release all need to be a victim and to need
someone else to take care of me. I am capable of supporting
I am open to hear wisdom from others as I
continue to heal the past.
I spend time connecting to nature each day,
allowing the energy of the sun to energize my solar body.
I touch the Earth each day with my bare feet
to receive its grounding energy to help me care for myself in
the physical world.
I easily see the next step on my path.
I create the basic necessities of life for
myself, so my spiritual mission can be revealed in due time.
I step forward on my path with courage, ready
to create my life anew.