by Barb Garza
To change your life, you must get rid of
old thoughts and be able to accept some new ones. One of the
greatest truths is that you create your life with your
thoughts. Your thoughts are what make things happen. Thoughts
and words have power.
Each thought in your mind is the seed for everything you do,
feel, or say. Thoughts are what create our feelings. If you
want to feel happy you need to change your thoughts. If you
are feeling depressed, angry, jealous or sad you are the one
that is causing you to feel that way with your negative
You have more control over your thoughts than over anything
else in your life. When you are able to control your thoughts
you will be able to control your world.
Thoughts create everything that happens to you. Thoughts are
what produce results in your life. You will get more of
whatever you focus your thoughts on. Whatever you think about
frequently will happen in your life.
If you focus your thoughts on lack of money, worrying about a
certain event or about becoming sick, that is exactly what is
going to happen. You have a great power that needs to be used
in the right way. Drop your negative thoughts today like a hot
By Barb Garza, President of Pinnacle Enterprises
Dedicated to helping people achieve health and prosperity.