"Integrating Spirit
and Work"
Our Summer Newsletter is available...please click
here to access it online. Inspiring ideas, beautiful photos
and news are all available!
There is lot of exciting news at CPI...so
check it out.
The Spiritual Intelligence Assessment is
now available for public purchase
Coaches can now get certified to coach to
the assessment. Classes are in late Sept. in the UK and
Amsterdam and in Houston in November.
Cindy is teaching a mini-Spiral Dynamics
Integral workshop at Rice on Saturday Sept 11th that is open
to anyone who wants to register!
Interest areas include:
Spiritual Intelligence (if you too the
pilot assessment you are defaulted to this interest area)
Spirituality in the Workplace
Values-based leadership (I work with
Richard Barrett's model)
Ken Wilber and Integral Theory
World Religions
Spiral Dynamics (for more info go to
www.spiraldynamics.net or .com or .org)
I send you blessings and light.
Cindy Wigglesworth
President, Conscious Pursuits, Inc.