Vol 2, No. 6


"You hurt,
I cry.
Feeling the extension of
our one Self."

-- American Zen Saying
by Suzanne E. Harrill


This Month's Issue:

The Choice: Divorce as an Escape or Completion

by Suzanne Harrill

The Turning Point

by Vicky Bowker Jeter

Life from Two Perspectives: FEAR AND LOVE

by John Price

A Galactic Fairy Tale

by Michael Lightweaver

June Seed Thoughts for Loving Yourself

Questions & Answers

Enlighten Up

Inner Fitness For Creating a Better You

An inspiring and easy-to-understand course for self-study or for a group leader to facilitate groups.

Usually $24.95 each
Special Price for June 2004 Only:
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2 for the price of 1

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Greetings from the Editor:

Putting Down Roots

I moved to Colorado a couple of weeks ago. At the age of 56, I am going to experience putting down roots. This is a special time for my husband and me, as we are choosing for the first time where we would like to live. We have moved many times over my husband's working career. The strongest roots are in Houston, where his company transferred him five different times. Once we even lived in one house for 12 years.

My husband's job took us to several interesting places, twice to Louisiana, once to Wyoming, and twice to Australia. Fortunately for me, my counseling, writing, and teaching career adapted well to each setting. It was a rich experience to meet so many fine people and to experience different ways of life, with the opportunity to live in big cities, as well as out in the country.

Moving so many times, which I did in childhood also, has taught me that my true roots are inside of me. Wherever I go, there I am. My foundation is built on my relationships with family and friends and my life work. I'll let you know how it goes putting down physical roots and living in one location. I invite you to meditate on your own roots.

Fortunate blessings,



The Choice: Divorce as an Escape or Completion

by Suzanne E. Harrill

Do you ever think about divorce as a panacea for your problems? If you want to end your relationship because you have fallen out of love or passion, found someone new who looks better, do not like the patterns that showed up once the honeymoon was over, do not like some of your partner’s traits, married too young or because you were pregnant, or just plain feel you made the wrong choice, then you might want to reconsider. Why? You might be missing opportunities to learn about yourself and grow in awareness. Even though it is very popular to end a relationship when you are unhappy, I believe many people leave their relationships too soon and do not take advantage of the lessons that could be learned from their partner and the relationship....

(read the whole article)


Special Offer

June Seed Thoughts for Loving Yourself

By Suzanne Harrill

MONTHLY ON LINE AFFIRMATIONS.  Affirmations to support self-esteem and spiritual growth now available in monthly installments. This is an updated edition of the seed thoughts and affirmations in the book, Affirm Your Self Day by Day. Only available here on line.

(read the whole story)


Suzanne Says

Questions & Answers

Question: I was surprised to find one of my questions to you in the April newsletter. However, it was also good to consider your thoughtful reply.

Another question that I have concerns the behavior of my 4-year-old granddaughter, Meg. From time to time her mother and I notice that she participates in a role-playing activity of sorts. She has a pretend friend, named Chloe, to whom and about whom she sometimes speaks.

(read the whole article)


The Turning Point

by Vicky Bowker Jeter            

Suzanne graciously offered me the opportunity to write this article for Innerworks Publishing's, "InnerWords Messanger," because since she began working with me in the Spring of 1988, my life has completely transformed in the direction of my dreams. Gradually, over our time together, I have realized my capability to live the life I choose. And if I can do it, it is possible for just about anyone. So, she suggested I might share a piece of my journey.

(read the whole article)


Life from Two Perspectives: FEAR AND LOVE

by John Price

First, let's take the "average person," whether or not he/she is on the spiritual path. If they are—and "spiritual" here meaning just the reading of self-help books—it may be nothing more than a fix-it journey with fear as the dominant emotion. For the others who are resigned to life as only an interval between birth and death, days of apprehension are simply the norm.

The individuals-on or off the path-may not call it fear, but would agree that worry and concern pop up on a frequent basis. They seem to be living in an arena of subtle or pronounced conflict, depending on the rise and fall of the emotions on any given day.....

(read the whole article)

Enlighten Up



(taken from papers written by a class of 8-year-olds)

 Grandparents are a lady and a man who have no little children of her own. They like other people's.

A grandfather is a man grandmother.

(read the funnies)


A Galactic Fairy Tale

by Michael Lightweaver     

A long, long time ago in a galaxy far, far away there were all of these little light beings just hanging out enjoying life in that joyful timeless dimension. And then one day a very large, magnificent angel came to them. He had a very serious look on his face. He was looking for volunteers for a very important cosmic mission.

"We have this small - but very special - planet out at the edge of the Alcyon galaxy called Gaia. It is quite unique like a beautiful garden and it is teeming with hundreds of thousands of different life forms. It has been something of an experimental station in the galaxy and it has a most interesting humanoid life form that incorporates the very highest and lowest frequencies known in the cosmos. It is in fact the very epitome of dualism.

(read the whole story)



Love Offerings and Tithes Appreciated
Send to seharrill@gmail.com

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