Since he has been on Earth, Man has had to face a dangerous environment. As population increased, the need arose to
knowledge and organize resources. Language and conceptual thinking developed in sophistication, with specialized brain centers
becoming adapted for the task.
Teaching of young people concentrated on this rational aspect of intellect,
which is a left brain activity, and right brain functions (including intuitive
and emotional processing) were no longer part of the masculine stereotype. But
this limited form of intelligence has its problems.
The Western world is full of IQ teaching oriented to the
left brain - rational and irrational focused thought processes, but not a single
school for EQ (Emotional Intelligence) which fully encompasses and integrates
right brain activity - non-verbal thought processes including emotions based on
perception of real experience and holistic understanding and the resulting
intuitive feelings.
There is clearly a great need for an increased
understanding and practice of Emotional Intelligence in our culture. In the
world of business, factors that are really important to succeed in an ethical
manner are dependent on EQ: the cooperation of employees, creativity and
open-mindedness, understanding of another's point of view, ability to use
empathy in negotiations, the quality of leadership and communication.
These factors are equally important in the running of
schools, health services, local government, and politics. They are an essential
part of our personal and spiritual development and perhaps most importantly,
they are principles that our children need to be taught.
Intelligence of the heart is lacking in our culture, so
that all too often, instead of acting with integrated reason and feelings, we react with
the emotional maturity of spoilt children...
Instead of
being recognized and understood consciously, emotions are suppressed or
resisted, giving them subconscious power. They then drive our behavior, and
we use our rational intelligence to justify such behavior.
Instead of
remaining mindful in the moment, we are drawn into perplexing about past
failures or worrying about future outcomes.
Instead of
conscious persons who understand why they feel and consequently behave as
they do, we have become subconsciously driven and susceptible to cultural
conditioning - even hypnosis and brainwashing.
Instead of
being true to our natural open-minded and compassionate selves, we
compromise to please others or manipulate others to gain advantage. Our
unempathic and unethical behavior - and the corresponding lies and
rationalizations that result - destroy our spiritual integrity. Because we
don't live according to our values, we are unhappy.
In the whole of life, you have only two ways:
The way of
Love and its components: empathy, trust, certainty, acceptance, understanding,
The way of
Fear and its components lies, refusal to understand, harmful acts, withheld
communication, etc.
This is the whole scene regarding those old archetypes:
forces of the light and forces of the dark. At any moment, we can be part of
either one side or the other depending on whether we act through love or through
Spiritual Intelligence
As we create every second, our creation is either towards
light or darkness. And God, which is the sum of all consciousness, encompasses
both our light and our darkness. Earth experience is mainly the opportunity to
decide which way (towards light or dark) we want to create.
You can see that emotional intelligence is the doorway to
Spiritual Intelligence (SQ).
"As human beings we all want to be happy and free from
misery... we have learned that the key to happiness is inner peace. The greatest
obstacles to inner peace are disturbing emotions such as anger, attachment, fear
and suspicion, while love and compassion and a sense of universal responsibility
are the sources of peace and happiness." ~
Danah Zohar
Underlying both intellectual intelligence (IQ) and emotion
intelligence (EQ) is our spiritual intelligence (SQ) - our capacity for
developing meaning, vision and value. It allows us to dream and to strive. It
underlies the things we believe in and the role our beliefs and values play in
the actions that we take. The higher our SQ, the more we are truly ourselves,
mindful of our being and not hiding behind reactive emotions nor conditioned
belief systems.
The standard IQ test measures rational intelligence: the
skills we use to solve logical or strategic problems. For a long time, IQ
results were considered the best measurement of a person's potential for
success. But in the early 1990s Daniel Goleman pointed out that success is also
dependent on emotional intelligence: the thinking that gives us empathy,
compassion, and the ability to respond appropriately rather than simply react.
In practice this tells us a lot about how a person will get on in social
situations, including the workplace, and more closely correlates with success in
life overall than IQ.
Spiritual Intelligence is even more fundamental, however.
Spiritual intelligence represents our drive for meaning and connection with the
infinite. Spiritual intelligence also helps us discern true principles that are
part of our conscience.
"High SQ demands the most intense personal integrity. It
demands that we stand open to experience, that we recapture our ability to see
life and others afresh, as though through the eyes of a child, to learn how to
tap into our intuition and visualization, as a powerful means of using our inner
knowing to "make a difference." It demands that we cease to seek refuge in what
we know and constantly explore and learn from what we do not know. It demands
that we live the questions rather than the answers." ~
Danah Zohar
Computers have high IQ of a sort, animals show some degree
of EQ, but only humans have SQ - the ability to access inner knowing and as a
result to creatively change the rules, alter situations, and question why we are
here. Our SQ makes the best use of our IQ and EQ. Spiritual intelligence is what
makes us uniquely human (body, mind and spirit integrated as one). This is the
spirit authentically having a human experience, rather than being dragged along
half asleep. We are capable of mindfulness, and spiritual qualities such as the
ability to show forgiveness, to express gratitude, to be humble, to display
compassion. Fortunately, all kinds of intelligence can be developed.
Download the Emotional Intelligence PDF
More articles about Emotional Intelligence
TRANS4MIND was created by
Peter Shepherd
1997 and has since been offering a wealth of free personal development
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and much more. This information will help you advance on an exciting path of
holistic growth and wellbeing.
This is the power and meaning of personal development: to
transform your mind... hence the website, With these Tools
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> you can be the change you wish to see in the world.