Suzanne E. Harrill

Q & A Interview

Summer 2018


This Month's Issue:


By Suzanne E. Harrill

A Lakota Prayer to the Four Directions

by Nick Polizza


Simplified by Morrnah Nalamaku Simeona

Healing Code Prayer

Spiritual Mind Treatment or Affirmative Prayer

by Dr. Earnest Holms

Retirement Reflections

by Sandy Jackson

Giving from Your Overflow

By Suzanne E. Harrill


Enlighten Up


Suzanne E. Harrill

Suzanne has a talent for helping others know and accept themselves, solve problems, build good relationships, and grow in consciousness. She easily reflects acceptance and love to others, which encourages them to love themselves. This she does through through telephone consultations, writing, counseling, and speaking. Read the rest of the bio here.

Read Suzanne's Blog

Greetings from the Editor:

Expanding Inner Horizons

My life has been a journey of continual expansion of inner horizons. My key is self-inquiry. Whenever I have a problem, overreact to something or someone, feel out of sorts, or lose my neutral perspective, what do I do? I spend time alone and have a serious talk with myself. I ask myself questions like, what do you need to accept, what are you feeling, what do you want that you're not getting, what do you need? Maybe I need to communicate to someone, change a habit, uproot a negative pattern, or connect to mother earth. I may journal-write to gain clarity about the direction I want to take or to write some healing affirmations. Any one of these expand my awareness about myself which improves my satisfaction with myself and my relationships.

Self-inquiry helps me understand and accept myself. It also allows me to help others understand themselves when asked. May you be inspired to study your inner self for improvement and satisfaction with your life.






by Suzanne Harrill

Prayer is a powerful force. Many teachers, such as, Larry Dorsey, MD, author of, Prayer is Good Medicine, explain how it works and how to benefit from prayer. If you shy away from praying, consider it does not need to be tied to a religious tradition. Your thoughts are prayers too.

When prayer is intentional it can help you in many ways, such as boost acceptance of unwanted events, bring deep peace and calm when stressed with an overactive mind, or help with loss while going through the grief process. Prayer can help others when you say prayers for them as well. In addition, prayer empowers all the good things in our life, such as improving our relationships, our creative abilities and choices, and making positive changes.

A prayer of gratitude has a very high vibration that moves us to see and focus on the positives in our life. A prayer can be short and simple, such as thinking, "Thank you for this day and for my life." May you discover a type of prayer that adds to the richness of your life in one of the following examples of prayers from different traditions...



A Lakota Prayer to the Four Directions

by Nick Polizza

In many native cultures across the North American continent, there is a unifying spiritual element that has been used for millennia to bring wisdom and healing to the people. It's called the medicine wheel.

This multi-dimensional frame of reference can take many forms but is usually depicted as a circle split into four quadrants that each represent a specific direction. North, East, South and West...

(read the whole story)




Simplified by Morrnah Nalamaku Simeona

Whatever issue you are working on this prayer can be applied. Ho'oponopono is very flexible and can be used on anything, from physical dis-ease, relationships, money, or work. Bring the issue to mind and use your own words to describe it...

(read the whole article)



Healing Code Prayer

The Healing Codes, discovered by Alexander Loyd in 2001, are a powerful self-healing method to help the body remove the primary cause of illness and disease: stress. The method includes saying a clearing prayer and then using 4 hand gestures to activate natural healing centers in the body. His book, The Healing Code, teaches the reader about this simple method of healing. Learn more on his website:

There are healing code coach/practitioners to give you more information if you google healing code coaches. One is Diane Eble who has a lot of free information on her website and some You Tube videos,

Healing Code Prayer Example

Heal me God of all known and unknown negative memories, thoughts, beliefs, images, and feelings. Heal me of all destructive cellular memory, physical ailments, conditions, and disease. Heal me with your abundant love. Heal all negative energy from my childhood experience, (DESCRIBE MEMORY), and all negative energy accumulated throughout my life.

Heal me with your love one-thousand times and more.

Thank you, God.



Spiritual Mind Treatment or Affirmative Prayer

by Dr. Earnest Holms

The following template is helpful to create a powerful prayer for yourself or another. Begin by focusing on the purpose of your affirmative prayer. Then follow the five steps.Use words that you resonate with when writing your own prayer...

(read the whole article)



Psalm from The Dead Sea Scrolls

Artwork by Jacqueline Shuler

Artist Jacqueline Shuler visited the Dead Sea Scrolls exhibit at the Denver Art Museum. She created the beautiful background for this Psalm. View Jackie's art: and her blog:



Retirement Reflections

by Sandy Jackson

Having recently retired from being a psychotherapist for over 40 years, I have been reflecting about what I have learned from my patients. Yes, I have given direction to many, yet I believe I have received and learned as much if not more than I have given or taught. The experience of being with someone through their difficulties and being trusted with their most intimate thoughts is a very spiritual experience. I feel so fortunate and blessed to have had the opportunity to "be with" so many people over the past years...

(read the whole article)



Giving from Your Overflow

By Suzanne E. Harrill

Many of us have a preference for giving over receiving. Giving is a good thing, yet it can go to the extreme of not being healthy for us. If you are honest with yourself, you will notice that at certain times in your life it is very natural and easy to give, while at other times it is a stretch to give of your time and energy. Maybe you care for young children, have had surgery recently, cared for an ill family member, or had a parent die. These times of being in need puts givers in a dilemma. Some feel guilty receiving. After all, many were taught it is better to give than receive...

(read the whole article)


Enlighten Up   --    Humor

Furniture Disease

Tonight's Forecast

The Wee Irish Pig

Lunch On The Hoof

(read the Humor)


The Year 1907

George Carlin's Views on Aging

Giant Crystals

(read the Goodies)





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