Greetings from the
New Book
It gives me great pleasure to tell you about my new book, The Harrill Solution – Secrets of Successful Relationships Revealed, release date September 30, 2010. Learn to create the relationships you deserve and discover ways to transform your current relationships. How? Build self-awareness; use challenging relationships to see and heal your own issues, discover your spiritual purpose. If you are single and seeking a new relationship, married and wish you weren’t, want to upgrade a stuck-in-a rut relationship, or want to be happy without a relationship, the solution in each scenario is the same. Become the person you always wanted to marry.
This comprehensive, how-to book teaches ways to know self, to use challenging situations to mirror your own lessons, to help heal an estranged relationship, or to transform a traditional relationship into a self-actualizing, enlightened one. There are secrets for everyone - if single, there are dating-tips, if ready to divorce, learn the difference between completing versus avoiding lessons, or if with a life partner, discover how to create a long-term, conscious relationship.
This fall I will be creating book signing parties in people’s homes. If you want to create a party contact me at
Fortunate Blessings,
By Suzanne E. Harrill
Joy brings more light into our lives. No matter the circumstances you have drawn into your life, pay attention when you catch yourself smiling and enjoying the small stuff. As we learn to focus on the simple pleasures already happening, the easier it is to let go of allowing the unpleasant things to spoil our day. It lightens us every time we enjoy a flower or sunset, hug a loved one, say hi to a smiling neighbor, pet our dog or cat, or make eye contact with a child at the grocery store. This joy in the moment transfers to building a positive mindset, which affects how we live our day. Let us remember...
the whole article)
By Ute Lawrence
For many years, I have been on a journey of discovery. Discovery of the self, my environments and beyond. It has been a journey of continuous learning, which has led me to the most exciting revelation that every single human being has - it is within - the power to be who he or she wants to be. Most of us are nowhere near our true potential.
This revelation in itself filled me with the passion to discover how we can go about being the person we want to be, having what we want to have, doing what we want to do and achieve our life goals, no matter what our present circumstances...
the whole article)
By Suzanne E. Harrill
Affirmations to support self-esteem and spiritual growth
now available in monthly installments. From Seed Thoughts for
Loving Yourself, Cultivating the Garden of Your Mind Day by
the whole story)
by Dr. James (Jimmy) E. McReynolds
The earthly tent that mom lived in has been destroyed.
In the Bible, “tent” reminds us of Israel’s wilderness experience. For 40 years Israel lived in tents. Israel was not allowed to settle down and establish roots. She was always on the move. The address was not fixed and her homes never were secured on foundations.
We live in an “earthly tent.” Our roots are not permanent. Mom told us, “Life is short. Enjoy your life now.” None of us are permanent residents on earth. No building, no amount of money, no status, no power can make us happy...
(read the whole story)