Suzanne E. Harrill

Spring 2016

Pay Attention

"I pay attention to
the simple things in life
that give me enjoyment"

-- from Seed Thoughts for Loving Yourself
by Suzanne Harrill, M.Ed.


This Month's Issue:

A Map For Human Development And Spiritual Growth

By Suzanne E. Harrill

The Dao of Contentment

by Cindy Wigglesworth

Secrets of Psychotherapy: Ten Ways to Help You Be Happy

by Stephen A. Diamond, Ph.D


Enlighten Up

Suzanne E. Harrill

Suzanne has a talent for helping others know and accept themselves, solve problems, build good relationships, and grow in consciousness. She easily reflects acceptance and love to others, which encourages them to love themselves. This she does through writing, counseling, and professional speaking. Read the rest of the bio here.

Read Suzanne's Blog

Greetings from the Editor:

The Original Five

My middle daughter turned 40 recently! Yes it is hard for me to believe sometimes that my children are not young adults anymore. Janna flew in from Colorado to spend the weekend with the original five – her parents and two sisters. We all spent the weekend at a hotel in the Woodlands, a town less than an hour away from my home. It was like traveling to a resort in the Caribbean but much easier. We played and talked and walked and sat by the pool and ate and laughed. It was so much fun. Time with the original five is a joyful time for me. I am grateful.

May you take some time to enjoy your own families on a regular basis.

Fortunate Blessings,



Unity Houston


More of my favorite articles from old issues of The Innerwords Messenger:



A Map For Human Development And Spiritual Growth

By Suzanne E. Harrill

Each of us is on a journey to learn and grow and evolve, to realize our spiritual wholeness. Each individual has their own path to this realization, yet the journey has many similarities that all have in common. There are different stages or passages we go through and certain things are learned in these stages. It’s like being in school. You move to second grade when you master most of the things first grade has to offer. When mastering a level of growth there is always another. Completing a passage builds awareness. Each time we move forward there is confusion and discomfort because the next level is unknown to us personally. Maps are helpful when journeying into new territory...

(read the whole article)


Special Offer

Seed Thoughts for Loving Yourself

By Suzanne E. Harrill

MONTHLY ON LINE AFFIRMATIONS.  Affirmations to support self-esteem and spiritual growth now available in monthly installments. From Seed Thoughts for Loving Yourself, Cultivating the Garden of Your Mind Day by Day.

(read the whole story)




The Dao of Contentment

by Cindy Wigglesworth

The "Dao" (or "Tao") of something is the natural way of it...its true nature.  The Dao of life consists of ebbs and flows, like the yin and yang symbol.  Within the dark is the seed of light.  Within the light is the seed of dark.  And in the ever-flowing beautiful relationship between opposites we find our reality.  In this philosophy it is up to us to find the natural way of things.  And once we find it we can live a life of contentment and, paradoxically, high effectiveness.

(read the whole story)

Personal Growth

Secrets of Psychotherapy: Ten Ways to Help You Be Happy

by Stephen A. Diamond, Ph.D

What can different types of psychotherapy tell us about living a happier life? We have considered some of the ways psychoanalysis, Jung's analytical psychology, and existential therapy approach the problem of finding happiness. Freud's secret, we have seen, is, in part, to take a more realistic (though some would say pessimistic) approach to the attainment of happiness, working in therapy toward a more modest goal of "common unhappiness" in place of "neurotic misery." Happiness, he suggests, is all relative. Life consists inevitably of at least some suffering, tragedy, loss, sadness, and, therefore, unhappiness

(read the whole story)

Enlighten Up   --    Humor


Back-Seat Cooker

Not Another Blonde Joke

Bob and the Psychotherapist

(read the Humor)


Audio Book, My Life, by Helen Keller.

Butterfly Poem

Kids In Church

(read the Goodies)





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