Suzanne E. Harrill
Offering 9 Free E-Books to Awaken Awareness

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Fall 2021

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Inner Fitness
Inner Fitness For Creating a Better You: Six Lessons for Building Greater Awareness, High Self-Esteem, Good Relationships, and Spiritual Meaning

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This Month's Issue:

Dis-Ease as a Spiritual Initiation

By Suzanne E. Harrill

Dealing with Dis-ease and Physical Challenges to Live by Intention

By Suzanne E. Harrill

The Transformational Journey through The Dark Night of the Soul

by Suzanne E. Harrill

Affirmations for Spiritual Well-Being

by Suzanne E. Harrill

Sweetness of Life

by Nancy Moonstarr

Catch Yourself Enjoying a Moment

By Suzanne E. Harrill

American Zen Sayings

By Suzanne E. Harrill


Enlighten Up

Suzanne E. Harrill

Suzanne has a talent for helping others know and accept themselves, solve problems, build good relationships, and grow in consciousness. She easily reflects acceptance and love to others, which encourages them to love themselves. This she does through writing, counseling, and professional speaking. Read the rest of the bio here.

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Free E-Books to Awaken Awareness

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Greetings from the Editor:

Need a Boost When Experiencing the Downside of Life?

We all experience challenges in our life. Those that involve the suffering of our physical body or that of a loved one bring up shock, fear, and confusion. If you have made it through this process to experience acceptance, humility, and solace this newsletter issue is a reminder of what you have already learned.

If you or a loved one are struggling with pain, this issue may present new perspectives to move out of the stress of staying in crisis. Consider hidden deep in your suffering are gifts that can help you steer through this part of your journey.

My purpose for writing this lead article is to share some of what I have learned from pain and suffering to feel better emotionally. Basically, we must grow our awareness when our world view is limited and keeps us stuck. If you have outgrown your world and want new ideas, read on.

I have included articles I have written from the past to expand on the lead article. If this is too heavy for you, skip to the last couple of articles that are a little more upbeat.




All art in all pages of this newletter are created by Suzanne E. Harrill


Personal Growth

Dis-Ease as a Spiritual Initiation

by Suzanne E. Harrill

Living in a body is an amazing experience if you really think about it. Considering all the billions of parts and things it does to be alive deserves respect. Even when we appreciate our physical form, it has its downside at times. It gets ill, can be injured easily, ages and wears out, is susceptible to disease, and feels pain. I have experienced all the above and I want to give you a peek at how I currently navigate dis-ease in my life...

(read the whole article)



Dealing with Dis-ease and Physical Challenges to Live by Intention

by Suzanne E. Harrill

Have you ever experienced a physical challenge, a medical diagnosis not to your liking, or an age-related problem? If we are fortunate enough to live to "old age," more than likely we will experience physical challenges. Our culture ignores the fact that life is not permanent on the physical level. Everything new breaks down and needs maintenance, from our houses and cars to our bodies. Living in a culture that is phobic about aging, death, and dying doesn't prepare us to know how to help ourselves when the body has problems. When we have something physically wrong at any age and for whatever reason, it is helpful to learn ways to heal and help our bodies...

(read the whole article)


Spiritual Growth

The Transformational Journey through The Dark Night of the Soul:

A Perspective on Suffering

by Suzanne E. Harrill

I see a lot of people struggling at this time, some reaching the depth of despair and experiencing a dark night of the soul. If you or a loved one is in extreme pain it may be difficult to comprehend the ideas presented, yet at some point you may want another perspective for understanding why your life has drawn such suffering and some ideas for self-healing...

(read the whole article)


Personal Growth

Affirmations for Spiritual Well-Being

by Suzanne E. Harrill

Affirmations move us in the direction of our intentions. Repeat the affirmations often.

(read the whole article)


Personal Growth

Sweetness of Life

By Nancy Moonstarr

I began this topic with thoughts of how to create love. Love is something we all want to experience and a beginning for us in any endeavor or experience we undertake-even if we don’t recognize it as love. "Under the taking on" of something, we feel some stirring in us. Next, I decided to ask what love feels like to others. Similar answers came back whether it referred to romantic or other forms of Love; "it's sweet or feels calming, just how I want or right"...

(read the whole article)


Personal Growth

Catch Yourself Enjoying a Moment

By Suzanne E. Harrill

Joy brings more light into our lives. No matter the circumstances you have drawn into your life, pay attention when you catch yourself smiling and enjoying the small stuff. As we learn to focus on the simple pleasures already happening, the easier it is to let go of allowing the unpleasant things to spoil our day. It lightens us every time we enjoy a flower or sunset, hug a loved one, say hi to a smiling neighbor, pet our dog or cat, or make eye contact with a child at the grocery store. This joy in the moment transfers to building a positive mindset, which affects how we live our day. Let us remember that improving our attitude not only helps us enjoy our life, it also positively impacts our relationships...

(read the whole article)


Fun Sayings

American Zen Sayings

By Suzanne E. Harrill

What I do not have
         I focus upon.
        Forgetting the fullness
     of my blessings.

(read the whole article)


Enlighten Up   --    Humor

Small Town Doctor

Falling Rocks

Think About This

Water Leak

(read the Humor)


Reunion after 18 years of separation

Greater Good: The Science of a Meaningful Life

Near Death Experience Showed Me Something

(read the Goodies)




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