Suzanne E. Harrill

Q & A Interview

Autumn 2012


"I open my mind to new ideas outside of my frame-of-reference. Being open-minded allows a new set of possibilities to enter my life. As I open my mind to experience what my teachers model to me, obstacles disappear from my path. I expand my awareness easily and quickly when I am open-minded. I am open-minded and allow new opportunities to flow into my life"

-- from Seed Thoughts for Loving Yourself
by Suzanne Harrill, M.Ed.


This Month's Issue:

Learn Reasons Relationships Fail
So You Can Make Wise Choices and Beat The Odds

By Suzanne E. Harrill

The Secret of Having
Everything You Want

By Guy Finley

The Biology of Belief

Reviewed by Linda Iverson, RN, MN, CHt

Starting Over

By William Spear

Suggestions for A Merry Holiday

By Rayleen Gilbert


Enlighten Up

Suzanne E. Harrill

Suzanne has a talent for helping others know and accept themselves, solve problems, build good relationships, and grow in consciousness. She easily reflects acceptance and love to others, which encourages them to love themselves. This she does through writing, counseling, and professional speaking. Read the rest of the bio here.

Read Suzanne's Blog


Greetings from the Editor:


My marriage anniversary has an auspicious date this year, December 12, 2012. I am happy to say, we beat the odds to enjoy a long-term, self-actualizing relationship. We weathered and continue to weather the ups and downs of life and chose to learn needed skills to build a good relationship, such as how to communicate and address our individual issues. One thing of value I learned years ago from a wise person is that many people think a relationship is either working or not working, and, therefore, end relationships that have potential or else stay stuck in negative thinking that spirals them on a path of misery with no solutions. By changing the focus to, "I choose this relationship to work," the challenges arising are then seen as part of the journey that needs to be managed and transformed to get back on track to the good relationship.

Over the years my husband and I have grown to be self-aware individuals and in this relationship out of choice. Knowing ourselves individually and then knowing the other person have been of prime importance in creating a supportive, caring relationship. The lead article below resulted when someone contacted me asking why relationships fail. May you remind yourself of what you already know and find something of value to boost your relationship awareness.

Fortunate Blessings,


PS Happy Holidays


Learn Reasons Relationships Fail
So You Can Make Wise Choices and Beat The Odds

By Suzanne E. Harrill

Most people marry with the optimism that their marriage will last until “death do us part.”  The reality is that 40% - 73% of marriages end in divorce. Current statistics show that first marriages end in divorce around 41-50% of the time, second marriages approximately 60% of the time, and third marriages have the highest rate altogether, at around 70%. What can you do to beat the odds in your relationship?

(read the whole article)



Personal Growth

The Secret of Having Everything You Want

By Guy Finley

Everyone wonders whether or not there is one great secret for truly successful living. There is. And it is not a secret. It has been quietly, steadily telling itself right in front of us all along. Everything can change right now. Learning to hear this supreme secret is no more difficult than choosing whether to swim against a current or to let it carry you safely to the shore. Let it speak its wisdom to that secret part of you that can not only hear what it is saying but that is, in reality, its very voice...

(read the whole article)



Special Offer

Seed Thoughts for Loving Yourself

By Suzanne E. Harrill

MONTHLY ON LINE AFFIRMATIONS.  Affirmations to support self-esteem and spiritual growth now available in monthly installments. From Seed Thoughts for Loving Yourself, Cultivating the Garden of Your Mind Day by Day.

(read the whole story)



Book Review

The Biology of Belief

Reviewed by Linda Iverson, RN, MN, CHt

"The implication of this research radically changes our understanding of life.  It shows that genes and DNA do not control our biology; that instead DNA is controlled by signals from outside the cell, including the energetic messages emanating from our positive and negative thoughts."  This book is a combination of cellular biology, quantum physics, and more. 

Dr. Lipton’s research as well as others, found that it is the membrane of the cell, not the nucleus, which causes the cells to work and do their job.  The membrane responds to signals outside of the cell such as the environment, chemical changes in the brain brought about by thought or emotions, what we eat and many other stimuli.

(read the review)


Starting Over

By William Spear

Feng Shui is a method of understanding the relationship between our external environment and our consciousness within.  When properly practiced, this profound, ancient art creates a polarity between these two worlds, which stimulates movement and change.  This sounds easy enough, but for anyone studying Feng Shui beyond the media sound bites and popular magazine features, one overwhelming truth quickly appears:  There is a vast body of knowledge requiring many years of study, and confusion can easily conquer clarity. It has been said that no lesser sages than Lao Tsu and Confucius spent their whole lives studying the I Ching or Book of Changes, which is the basis of Feng Shui.  Indeed, their words are wise, but are their teachings practical in today’s world?

(read the whole article)



Suggestions for A Merry Holiday

By Rayleen Gilbert

I AM THINKING OF YOU… because I know that Christmas can be so wonderful for some and yet so challenging for others! In my work, I feel truly blessed to work with so many beautiful people. Recently I have been working with many who are experiencing some of the challenges of this Christmas season. My heart is always deeply touched by their sharing and it makes me feel grateful that I can pass on some of the wisdom I’ve learned through the years. As my GIFT TO YOU, I felt inspired to write and suggest a few ways that you can love your precious self during this Christmas and holiday season.

(read the whole article)


Enlighten Up   --    Humor

Church Whisperer

Incorrect Email

Lawyer Research

(read the Humor)


Bronx Schools Combat Bullying Through Music


Bob Ross Remixed | Happy Little Clouds | PBS Digital Studios

(read the Goodies)





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